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Osmo Genius kit review; learning with pleasure!

Learning with pleasure? My daughter does that anyway. Not a day goes by without her enjoying going to school and with the Osmo Genius kit she can now also learn at home with pleasure, just read the review.

When the schools closed during the first lockdown, she was 'not amused'. Miss Mama was not at all like the teacher at school. Too coercive, too strict and not pleasant. But yes, that task suddenly came on for me and to be honest it was quite tough. I did become acquainted with all kinds of online learning options, such as Gynzy. I didn't know that at all from the past, from my youth. It is very good that there are now all kinds of fallback options, in case circumstances do not work out physically at school.

Table of contents

Fun learning is so important

And actually I think it's good to be busy with fun games, puzzles, spelling and maths as a supplement to the existing curriculum. Things you learn from. And whatever you enjoy. Don't get me wrong, home is also the time to play. With dolls, drawing, crafts or playing outside with girlfriends and boyfriends. But sometimes you have those moments when you are asked again:“Mom, can I zoom with my girlfriend? ” or “Mommy, can I watch some television? † And that I would rather she do something fun that she also learns from while playing, as is the case with the Osmo Genius kit.

Osmo Genius kit review

Then Osmo Genius came my way and the question if I wanted to do a review of this kit. Something I had never heard of before, but which makes me happy. Especially when I saw what options you already have with the starter pack. How it works? Relatively simple (although I have to admit that I left the Osmo Genius Kit to husband and child for the review because I was too busy with other activities).

You open the box, take out your iPad (you will need it) and download the app. The package consists of 5 games where you have to think of games that help develop problem-solving skills such as puzzling (Tangram), calculate (Numbers), spelling (Words), physics (Newton) suitable for children between 6 and 10 years. But there is also a creative option. Or as Osmo puts it:“Supercharge your creativity ” with draw (Masterpiece). Also very nice!

Also read:review Osmo coding and learning to program

Install and such

All games can be played in Dutch, but that somehow did not go smoothly for us. It was a bit unclear which apps we had to download exactly (which we were referred to) and so it was sometimes in Dutch and sometimes also in English.

What exactly is in the box?

An Osmo base for the iPad – think of a hard plastic holder in which you can put the iPad. A so-called 'clip-on' mirror which allows the Osmo game to 'see' what you are laying down or making. In the box you will also find three storage boxes † One filled with seven tangram pieces (with which you can make 500+ puzzles). A box filled with two sets:one with numbers and one with dots. In the last box you will find sets with red and blue letters on square cards † The instruction is minimal I must confess. You have to read carefully on the box and on the inside you will find a kind of 'quick start ' where you are referred to the site.

Review of the five-games on the Osmo Genius kit

The Osmo Genius kit contains five different games:math (Numbers), puzzle (Tangram), spelling (Words), physics (Newton) and drawing (Masterpiece). What exactly can you do with that and how does it work? H. downloaded the games one after the other (without playing them) and after that they (H. and Mila) started playing.


I immediately start with the game that I just can't get it to work properly. Masterpiece helps you to learn to draw. Choose an image from the gallery or take a photo yourself and Masterpiece transforms it into a pen drawing that you can, as it were, 'tracing' or copying. You can then turn it into a time-lapse video and share your creation with family and friends. I don't know how, but I can't seem to get a white image. I've already tried everything (and searched on Google) but I get a half white screen, which makes drawing a lot less fun. For me then, Mila is very quickly satisfied and happy. She simply resizes the drawings to fit the bottom half of the screen. I'm just getting frustrated.


Very nice! I used to do it 'oldskool' (black physical bits) with daddy. Mila really enjoys doing it, especially because it's so surprising that 'he' (read:Osmo) recognizes you – and what you do. The Tangram game of the Osmo Genius kit is therefore very good for problem solving and spatial awareness.


Mila already loves math and needs an extra challenge at school. So this is completely 'spekkie for her face' so to speak. Experiment quickly and intuitively with addition, subtraction and multiplication. Fantastic what is possible in this time. That's the "funny" thing about becoming a mother later in life. The contrast with your own school days – and all the possibilities beyond it, such as with current technology – is so great.


Also very nice:Words. Be the first to guess the hidden word by placing the correct letters as quickly as possible. A fun challenge. Need additional help? On the screen of the Osmo Genius kit you will find a hint in the form of an image.


Mila also likes to do this very much. It is a game that requires a lot of creativity. You have to make sure that the falling balls end up at the right point. You work – just like with Masterpiece – with a white sheet of paper that you partly slide under it. And on the screen you see your hand and pencil (or pen). Do you find it annoying to use a new sheet of paper every time? I saw that Master Sander had a great solution! Use your Tangram pieces on the white paper. Brilliant!

The combination of physical and digital (play) fun with the Osmo Genius kit

I really like that these Osmo games are not only (very) fun, but also very educational. The combination of physical and digital playing fun I find very well found. Very good to prepare your child now for the world that is undoubtedly becoming more digital. I have the feeling that Osmo stimulates your creativity and increase your spatial and problem-solving insight † Very cool that we were able to combine this with our 'old' iPad 2. So you can see that you don't always need the latest of the latest. Very sustainable and therefore also better for the environment.

For example, you can buy the Osmo Genius kit at

My wise 8-year-old…

That said, downloading Osmo with such an old iPad turned out to be a thing. It takes time and I still wonder if Masterpiece is not working properly because the iPad is already a bit old or because I am doing something wrong. You read, I'm still a little frustrated about this. I've been consulting friend Google for days but I just can't figure it out. And that is the beautiful difference between an adult and a child. I'm busy. Daughter says:“Mommy, let it go now. I have a lot of fun this way. That's the most important thing, isn't it? † Thus my wise 8-year-old…

Osmo Genius starter kit, guaranteed (instructive) fun

All in all I think the Osmo Genius kit is a real recommendation † Admittedly, it is not cheap and I am in the luxury of receiving it for review. But fair is fair. This is certainly a product that I would have bought myself, especially for the well-found combination between physical and digital play and learning. And to make it more current. During this second hard lockdown, I think these games are ideal for alternating with the curriculum at school.

Have you ever heard of Osmo Genius products? And which game appeals to you the most?

This review was written by Rory van