I used to yell very loudly at my parents that I didn't want to get a driver's license. I always got nauseous in the car and as a ten-year-old I was very clear:I will never drive a car! As my eighteenth birthday approached, I had completely changed in that thought and didn't know how soon I had to get my theory driving license. I wanted to get into that car on my own!
At the time, I could only follow my theory driving license on location. First taking theory lessons on location, with a real teacher and a large screen where all kinds of traffic situations were discussed. Of course I also had a theory book to continue learning at home. We made assignments and in the end I also got my theory driving license in that room. Today it is different. Everything goes digital, including practicing your driving license theory and passing it. You don't speak to anyone anymore 😉 .
Very nice in itself, of course, because it is made super attractive and easy for today's adolescents. They no longer have to get out of their armchair to practice for their theory exam. You can even practice online for free for your car theory. In addition, it fits perfectly into their daily lives to learn online. And yet I notice 'something' in my own adolescent that I don't know what to do with.
He started his theory driving license for the moped a while back. Enthusiastic made by friends who also have a moped of course. We are now a few months further, he has practiced quite a bit, but not yet enough to get his theory driving license. And unfortunately he seems less motivated now. I think that has to do with the home study at the moment. He has been following his studies online for whole days and then to continue learning online afterwards is perhaps a bit much to ask.
When he can go back to school in a month and wants to pick up the thread again, I have been thinking that he should actually get a driving license for the car at the same time as his theory. By the time he turns 17 (in about six months) he can start taking driving lessons. I assume that everyone is vaccinated then and that these driving lessons will also be given again 😉 .
With a driving license theory and practice in your hands, you can drive as a 17-year-old with an accompanying coach next to you. And you can also get on a moped yourself because with your B driving license you also immediately get an AM (moped driving license). Perhaps the threshold is a little higher for Luc to start with his car driver's license (it sounds that big, don't you think), but it seems nicer to me than having to get a theory driver's license twice. And also learn your theory twice.
And with all the practice options that you have online to learn and practice your theory, this should be very doable, I think.
What would you do? First have a moped driver's license completed or indeed go straight for a car driver's license (theory and practice)?