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Get a moped driver's license, age, costs and more!

It's time. Our 'boy' started with his moped driver's license. And besides the fact that I find it very exciting that he wants a moped, I also think it is a nice milestone. But what actually precedes before your son or daughter can even get on that moped? What are the costs for getting your moped driver's license? What do you have to take into account? What age do you have to be to get your moped driver's license, the theory and your practical exam? I figured it out.

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Get your moped driver's license; everything you need to know

Like I said, I find it all exciting. Not so much the road that has to be traveled to get the moped driving license, but more the fact… and then?! What is he going to do when he gets his driver's license and has a moped. How responsible is he, what dangers are lurking and will I still sleep when the time comes?

But I myself got my motorcycle driver's license together with Frank a few years ago , and we both have a Harley that we love to ride. So who am I to deny my son his moped driver's license? So we're not going to do that either. But part of getting his moped driver's license is often talking to each other about the dangers that exist. Until it comes out of his nose 😉 .

Getting a moped driving license (theory and practice)

Getting your moped driver's license has a certain appeal for many teenagers. Especially if - just like Luc - they have to cycle an x ​​number of kilometers to school. Or if they have friends who live in surrounding villages. Then a moped is very handy, if not very tough. So I definitely understand why he wants to get his moped driver's license.

But he was not fully aware that he also had to dive into the books for it. He has now decided that he can also learn his moped theory online † Handy, because in addition to learning it online, you can also practice your theory exams online. This is how Frank and I practiced our motor theory exam .

Practicing will certainly help Luc to get his moped driver's license. He is simply not made to learn a lot of text, he finds that very difficult (partly because of his dyslexia). By being able to practice a lot of exams afterwards, the theory will stick much better and it will be easier to get his driver's license. At least for the theory part.

Moped driving license age

You must be 16 years old to take your practical lessons for a moped driver's license. However, you can already pass your theory exam for the moped when you are 15.5 years old. So you can start right on time and start your practical lessons as soon as you are 16 if you want. Luc has been talking about it for ages, but taking that first step is (for many teenagers) a thing. He is now 16 and has just started his theory lessons. By the way, you can only start your practical lessons when you have passed your theory exam!

We have already looked at how it is with applying for your theory exam for the moped. Luc has heard from a friend that it takes months before there is room, so that you have to apply in time. You can request your theory exam at the CBR

Moped driver's license costs

The costs for getting your moped driver's license? Based on the fact that you pass in one go, you should approximately count on the following costs:

  • Learn your theory exam :we have an online learning package that you can use for 3 months to learn and practice for your moped driver's license for € 39.95
  • Costs theory exam CBR :€ 34.50 or € 45.50 including extra time. The latter option is useful in our case, since Luc has dyslexia. By handing over a dyslexia statement, you can eventually reclaim the €11.00 that you then pay extra within 14 days.
  • Practical lessons moped driving license :this of course differs per driving school and also depends on the number of driving lessons you need before you can take the practical exam. On average you have about 4-5 practical lessons necessary to get your moped driver's license. The hourly rates at most driving schools are between € 43.00 – 50.00 per hourIn total you should therefore count on an amount between € 175.00 – € 250.00 for the practical lessons.
  • The practical exam itself costs € 116.00 to submit to the CBR. Your driving school will request this for you and pay it to the CBR for you. Of course you have to pay that back to your driving school.
  • Finally, if you have passed, you can apply for your driving license from the municipality † That costs about € 40.00

We have agreed with the costs that Luc will pay for his driver's license himself and that we will refund half if he has passed. In this way we try to stimulate him to keep learning for his theory. That is of course the least fun part!

Moped driving license theory

As mentioned, it is important that you first learn and pass your theory exam before you can start the practical lessons. You can do these theory lessons yourself online, as Luc is currently doing. But you can also, for example, follow the theory lessons through your driving school. Or you just buy a theory book to learn the theory for your moped driver's license at home with your nose in the books, you can also get that paper!

Your theory exam is valid for 1.5 years. Within that 1.5 years you must therefore get your moped driver's license by also passing the practical exam with a good result.

Moped driving license in 1 day practice or not?

Many driving schools offer the possibility to get your moped driver's license in 1 day. You will then receive 5 hours of lessons on that day and in the afternoon you will immediately take your driving test. This way you are ready in one day and you can get on your new moped the following week! Costs for such a practice day are between € 400.00 and € 450.00. That also includes and exam fees for the CBR.

For many young drivers, such a moped driving license is very interesting in 1 day. Driving a moped for an hour and then waiting again until the next week is not nice at all. Frank and I also went to lessons with the motorcycle at least twice a week. You still want to keep the feeling and then one hour a week is very little.

Note: if you have successfully passed your practical exam, then you have passed your moped driver's license. You still have to apply for that driver's license at the municipality. This will take about 5 working days so you can't get on your new moped right away!

Can you drive a moped without a driver's license and if so which moped?

Too bad, but unfortunately, there are no mopeds that you can drive without a driver's license † Getting a moped driving license is important when riding a moped, a scooter, a moped, a speed pedelec and a microcar. So you really have to learn for it. Not so strange, because you are going to participate in traffic at a considerable speed.

You don't need to get a driver's license for a Segway, a Trikke or the Stint.

Renew moped driving license

Your driver's license is valid for 10 years , then it must be extended again.

Does your child want to get his or her moped driver's license? What do you think , do you find it as exciting as I do?