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Decorate your child's room

Decorate your child s room

Most of us love to redecorate because it can be a lot of fun browsing through magazines for ideas, planning colors and styles, and getting creative. As fun as it can be, it can quickly turn into a necessity. Maybe you're tired of the dated look of your living room, or maybe the old decor just doesn't work anymore, as it often does in our kids' room.

Contents 1 The Toddlers 2 A Child Not So Small

Unlike the rest of us, children grow up fast and that beautiful decor you have so carefully chosen in what seems like yesterday no longer suits your growing child's burgeoning interests and sense of style. Luckily, there are ways to "upgrade" your kids' bedroom without having to throw out all the furniture and accessories. Of course, you may need to upgrade the bed and desk to accommodate his growing limbs, but to give him a new look, you can simply add wallpaper to give him a whole new look. . One of the most effective ways to create a completely new atmosphere without breaking the bank is to use wallpaper. You remember it from your childhood, but it has recently come back into fashion, in part thanks to advances in technology that have brought new materials and flexibility to this wonderful decor .

Decorate your child s room

Compared to wall paint, wallpaper offers an incredible variety of patterns and textures. I will share with you some models that could inspire you. Remember to involve your child in the decision. Choosing a wallpaper that matches your child's growing needs and interests is a sure way to make them happy!


A common mistake before the birth of your first child is thinking that the wall decor you have chosen will last for many years. Perhaps you chose the classic light and soft pastel colors, corresponding to the gender of your child. It's a great choice for the first few months after birth, as during these months the baby's eyes can't really focus, so an even, soft color is a great choice. Your child doesn't sit still, however, and before you know it, he'll start crawling and then walking, exploring the world around him. At this point, you should consider updating your wall decor to give her curious eyes something to look at.

A very good idea is to opt for a wallpaper with interesting patterns, such as those that represent beautiful drawings of all the animals. This allows your child to have endless details to grab their attention. Children love animals and tend to take a close interest in their way of life and their natural environment. It's a good thing you can try to encourage with this colorful animal wallpaper. What I love is that each animal's name is written in clear lettering below each picture, which helps your child begin to associate a written word with the picture. You can play with your child by showing him the animals and greeting them together, so that he learns their name, while calming down. A wallpaper can become a good ally and a friend to greet before going to bed!

Decorate your child s room

A child not so small

Before you know it, your child is no longer a toddler but an adult schoolboy, with their own passions and interests. Now is the time to involve her in the choice of wallpaper before embarking on your redecorating project. Fortunately, the choice of wallpapers for children available on the market is richer than ever. Among the many patterns, styles and colors there is a great choice, including period wallpapers. The all-time favorite wallpapers are those featuring comic book characters, like the covers of classic Marvel Comics.

Decorate your child s room

Keeping the same style, but with a theme that could also appeal to girls, we could opt for a wallpaper with the classic pre-war Mickey Mouse characters.

Decorate your child s room

These are just a few ideas, but there is a world of wallpapers that will make you and your child happy.