Succeeding in school is one of the major concerns of parents for their children today.
Mom and former teacher, maybe I can give some advice to help them. Here are 6 of them.
School Success is one of the objectives to be achieved, but are there necessary conditions for that?
behaviours to be continued ? Others to avoid? My experience tells me the following things:
Regularity is one of the basic conditions for success!
Unless your child is excessively gifted, it is best that he works little and regularly.
I encouraged mine to do lessons and homework after the snack break.
Half an hour maximum in primary, but every day , just so as not to fall behind.
Kindergarten teachers insist on this point, and they are right.
But for this, parents have a role to play:be interested what's going on in class, make an appointment with the teacher, attend meetings , invite the comrades of your child, help out at the school party .
Your child needs to feel that school is not a special place and that you love it too, that you play a role in it.
Being valued, having a positive self-image , this is one of the keys to success.
Parents and teachers hold it in their hands:believe in your child and tell him.
Praise them for success and make him understand that failures are inevitable in alllearning .
It's a kind of bridge between school and home .
If you can't afford homework help , a big brother, a grandma, an older cousin can do it for you.
I didn't have the courage to go back to pedagogy with my children when I left my class when I was a teacher.
Lucky for me, the eldest of my children gave an explanation to his little sister or made her recite his poems regularly.
It is about developing our children's curiosity and thirst for learning.
Everyone can do it according to their interests :visit of museum , monument discovery, travel , subscription to the library , at a sports club , etc.
I'm not very "museum" myself, but I spent hours with my children discussing a book.
I also took them for walks in the mountains to discover the plants maquis.
Anything goes to arouse their curiosity about the world.
It's about showing that what we learn at school has a direct application in everyday life.
I made my daughter write down the products to buy on the shopping list my son counted coins what he needed for bread and knew what he would have left to buy some sweets.
The two were putting their brand new handwriting and spelling rules into practice to write a card to their grandma .