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Helping Your Child Write Better Without Spending Anything:My School Tips.

Helping Your Child Write Better Without Spending Anything:My School Tips.

Back to school is over:that's it! But your Loulou still writes with his fly paws that look like anything but the letters of the alphabet. Come on, I'll give you my school tips, effective and free, to help him write better.

But yes, with a little patience, you will be able to help your child to write by forming beautiful letters, and even if they say that writing is the science of donkeys, it's still better when you can decipher the words without tearing your hair out.

This is prepared from the small section of kindergarten , with the stringing of beads, construction games, modeling clay, and we continue in a large section with printing capital letters, different tools (brushes, large felt-tip pens, etc.). So take notes.

Helping Your Child Write Better Without Spending Anything:My School Tips.

Necessary Conditions

1. Good posture and concentration :a table at the right height, the pencil well held between thumb and index finger, a flexible wrist.

2. Good eye/hand coordination.

3. Respect for the direction of the layout :always from top to bottom for verticals, and counter-clockwise for rounds.

Games to Help

1. With modeling clay, make very thin sausages, roll them into snails, form waves, etc. This helps it refine and specify his gestures.

2. Playing with construction toys , Lego style, which help him to lateralize (recognize your right from your left), fundamental for writing, and not to confuse the d with the b, the p with the q, for example.

3. Do some coloring :not exceeding the surfaces outside the lines helps with the precision of the gesture and the concentration.

4. Games of lacing and threading train coordination eye and hand. Indispensable!

To ban :the writing lines in chain. If you want him to practice, make him write a postcard for Grandma, or the shopping list , it's much more motivating.

Have you found anything that works even better that I don't know about? Tell us in the comments, it will help lots of desperate parents!