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8 Tips For Not Losing Your Child On The Beach.

8 Tips For Not Losing Your Child On The Beach.

Holidays at last! You will be able to rest and enjoy moments together with your children.

But sometimes, family outings can quickly turn to anxiety when the youngest falls off your radar.

On the beach, this can quickly ruin your beautiful moments.

Here are 8 simple tips to prevent your child from getting lost and make your family vacation unforgettable:

8 Tips For Not Losing Your Child On The Beach.

1. Explain to your child that he must stay within sight

It's not about stressing him out by telling him about the bad guys who kidnap children.

Or the summer average of child drownings if he refuses to shake your hand in the crowd.

As soon as you arrive on site, calmly remind your child of a few simple rules by telling him, for example:

“Do you see everyone around us? I wouldn't want to risk losing sight of you. So that everyone enjoys the beach, so I'm counting on you not to get away from me. »

It is also important not to panic him unnecessarily by telling him that, if he no longer sees you in his field of vision, he must ask another adult for help and that he must remain calm:"You I will definitely find myself! .

2. Don't take your eyes off toddlers

Inevitably, on vacation, we would like to be able to relax completely, relax as much as possible and let our minds wander...

Unfortunately, if you have a child under 4, it's a bit risky to dive into your 700-page pad or take a nap on your towel.

Impossible to compromise with the safety of toddlers who, at this age, need your constant attention.

So always stay by their side on the beach and, in the crowd, it is better to keep your little one in his stroller.

3. Set a fixed benchmark with your child

On the beach, after having planted the parasol, installed the towels of the whole family and spread your child with sunscreen, determine with him a fixed point that he will have to reach if he gets lost.

It could be the lifeguard station, the fries bar next door or a tree for example...

Other tricks can allow your child to find themselves in the crowd. The umbrella, for example. The best thing is to buy it with him, he will spot his colors or patterns all the more easily.

You can even make a fixed marker yourself with it, by building a big pile of sand not far from your parasol for example.

If despite everything your child leaves your field of vision, an essential point to know is that a child generally walks with his back to the sun when he gets lost during the day, and often faces the sun when he gets lost at the end of the day. .

That should help you know which way to look for it.

4. Choose a rallying cry together

We grant you, you will be a little ridiculous on the beach by pushing this atypical cry version of a mountain shepherd.

However, you may save yourself a few cold sweats if your child happens to be out of your sight for too long.

All you have to do is choose an original sound with it, high enough for it to be easily distinguished, and teach it before letting it play.

5. Dress your child in bright colors

Nothing beats armbands, caps or backpacks in flashy colors to make it easier to spot in a dense crowd.

It's a simple, yet pretty effective way to find out where your child is on a crowded beach.

6. Use the identification bracelet

Parents dreamed of it, the National Society for Rescue at Sea did it!

Since 2004, identification bracelets have been available free of charge at all lifeguard stations on French beaches and at certain tourist offices.

The name and surname of the child as well as the telephone number of the parents are entered there. And they are, of course, swim-proof.

The best thing is to go get the bracelet with your child so that he can easily identify where the first aid station is.

Another option is a temporary water-resistant security tattoo with the phone number where you can be reached.

7. Make him learn the house-beach path

Show your child how to get back home or to your vacation spot if they get lost and can't find you.

To make it easier to memorize the route, ask him to guide you on his own on the way back from a day spent at the beach.

After several trips, he will certainly manage like a boss.

8. Share child supervision between adults

When you go out with family or friends, whether on the beach or in the crowd, you will have everything to gain by dividing up between adults the supervision of the children present.

The most effective method is one or two children for one adult.

Each parent will thus be able to take full advantage of the moment without trying to keep an eye on the whole troop at all times.