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Choosing the ideal stroller for your child:what criteria?

Choosing the ideal stroller for your child:what criteria?

Criteria for choosing the right stroller for children:the buying guide

Contents 1 Criteria for choosing the right stroller for children:the buying guide 1.1 1. Features 1.2 2. Stroller models 1.3 3. Size adapted to baby's age 1.4 4. Comfort 1.5 5. Convenience 1.6 6. Design and accessories 1.7 7. The brand 1.8 8. The price 2 **** 2.1 And you, 2.2 How did you choose your stroller?

From the cane stroller to the small compact, through the 3-in-1 model, there are today a variety of pram choices suitable for all ages and all needs. How to choose the right stroller for your baby? Follow this guide.

1. Features

If before, the role of the stroller was limited to carrying a baby, currently, brands have made enormous progress on the functionality of this product. It can be both a pram for walks in the park, a car seat to secure the journey by car and a carrycot to adapt to all circumstances. In this regard, the childcare store La Folie du Bébé offers a range of strollers for various uses and in different sizes. The more advanced models provide good driving flexibility and great mobility thanks to adjustable and ergonomic harnesses. At the level of the adjustment device, each stroller has its particularities. In general, the choice is between foldable models and models with a detachable carrycot.

2. Stroller models

In terms of range and models, the offer is quite extensive. Generally, the choice is made between the cane stroller, the double stroller, the birth stroller, the compact stroller, the stroller with carrycot, or even the three-wheeled stroller. All of these models have issues of comfort, convenience and functionality. For example, strollers with a carrycot have the advantage of being able to transform into a car seat, because it is possible to dislocate the seat to install the child in the car. The three-wheeled stroller also wins points in terms of comfort. The wheels offer good road holding and are easy to guide even on difficult paths. This is a big advantage since the child is never disturbed by a shock, which allows him to sleep peacefully anywhere.

3. The size adapted to baby's age

Indeed, the stroller must have an adequate size (in length and width) to optimize baby's comfort. It is therefore important to choose the right size, because a stroller for the first age will no longer be practical when the child has grown up. In this case, it makes sense to choose models for children from 18 to 24 months, if it is planned to keep the stroller until the child walks. Nevertheless, the best option is always the stroller whose size and appearance are perfectly adjusted to your age.

4. Comfort

Between two models of strollers, the comfort is never the same. Check the quality of the seat, if the material of the cushion is pleasant enough for the child. Also check if the seat is not too rigid and prevents it from moving. The handlebars and the harness must also be easy to adjust, in particular to properly secure the child and facilitate movement. Sometimes the journey can be long, so strollers with minimum weight and the least bulk are the most manageable.

5. Convenience

At the practical level, it is also interesting to guide the choice of stroller according to the seasons. Some models are shielded, which allows you to ward off the cold. Others have a light coating, which refreshes the interior of the stroller. Another point not to be overlooked is flexibility. Choose easy-to-carry, foldable and modular models to easily go to all inaccessible places. Other practical points, strollers "with steps" facilitate getting on and off, while "double strollers" are ideal for twins.

6. Design and accessories

Since this is everyday-use equipment, don't skimp on the shape and design of the stroller. The important thing is to find the model that "flares" instinctively and whose color matches your preferences. In addition, the accessories associated with the stroller should be a little extra. A rain cover, a security gadget, there are many elements that can influence the final choice before the moment of purchase.

7. The brand

A good brand guarantees product quality and user safety. It is prudent to opt for strollers from Europe that hold certification, especially those that carry the French standard NF S 54-001 to reduce the risk of counterfeiting, but also the presence of materials that are dangerous for the child. The choice of brand is also important because the warranty conditions of the product vary from one manufacturer to another. The question of price should therefore not prevail over the choice of the brand of the stroller.

8. The price

In addition to these criteria, the price is an element that will allow you to better target the product range adapted to your budget. On this fact, the range is quite wide, the prices of strollers range from 50€ to more than 1000€. The brand, the range, the features argue these price differences. Indeed, it is possible to find a cane stroller at 50€ just as it can be interesting to buy an ergonomic and multifunctional stroller from 500€


And you,

How did you choose your stroller?

Choosing the ideal stroller for your child:what criteria?