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At what age can you start a typing course for your child?

As soon as your child can read reasonably well, you have reached the moment that an online typing course can also be a great option for your child. But besides the fact that it is possible to learn to type blindly, it is of course also important to look at your child and all other 'obligations' that your child already has outside the typing course. At what age can you actually start such a typing course and what kind of online course in blind typing do you choose?

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A typing course for your child; how, what, where and why?

The fact that children 'should' learn to type blindly is no longer a question. The question is rather at what age do you let your child start a typing course and how are you going to approach that?

Why should you learn to type blind?

Nowadays it is only normal that you can type blind. At our age we still had to practice on a typewriter (Whut?), nowadays everything is digital. And of course an online typing course for your child is in line with that. At school people work digitally from a very early age. Are you doing a paper or a presentation? Then you deliver the items digitally. On a USB stick, so that the teacher or master can show everything on the digiboard.

Because more and more is being typed than written, such a typing diploma is a must (as far as I am concerned).

In what ways and at what age can your child start an online typing course?

We started with Luc in time, because he is dyslexic. He was 9 years old I believe. It was important for him that he could really take the time for it and we thought that some extra practice wouldn't hurt either. That turned out to be the case. The typing course we did for him at the time was also an online course. He had to leave the house for his sports and music and also for his dyslexia guidance. Then it is of course very nice if your child can do a typing course at home, when it suits him or her.

Because we liked it so much at the time, we have now chosen an online typing course for child number 2 😉 . And Lotte couldn't wait to get started. She is quite an ambitious young lady and likes to finish these kinds of challenges a little earlier than others in her class. Lotte turned 10 in June and is now enjoying the LOI Kidzz typing course. Together with two other children in the class, she is one of the first to start this. I believe they will also receive an offer through school, but I think Lotte is ready by then. Nice too, because it won't be long before all the cito stress comes into play.

Why my child likes the LOI typing course so much

There are of course several providers in the field of an online typing course for your child. They all try to elevate typing to the level of a 'game' through gamification. And even though she succeeds in doing so nicely, LOI is the first for us with a subject that is very relevant to Lotte. As fun as computer games can be, the moment you end up at the Super Spy school to participate in espionage assignments you really level up! According to Lotte 😉 .

And I have to admit… this online typing course is quite different from all the other courses I've seen for kids so far. The intended end result is of course the same, but there is an essential difference in the way in which the gaming is processed. Lotte absolutely loves walking through the school and being part of secret missions and assignments. It feels a bit escape room like. Codes have to be cracked and you can unlock spy apps by typing extra. Once possessed by the spy virus, there is no escaping it. Detective Lotte investigates!

It is the tension in itself that triggers her to look further and search. And the challenge of unlocking new apps and finding fun things in the shop with the extra points she's earned.

How long has Lotte been working for now and approximately how long does a typing course take?

She's been on it for about a month now. Started enthusiastically, but the holiday threw some spanner in the works 😉 . We miss the routine of practicing every day now, and the latter is important. In any case, the structure of a number of times a week. But with us, the schools will start again next week and then this child will also get back to work with her online typing course!

On average, your child takes about 5 months to complete the online typing course. After that period, they can simply touch typing quickly and producing a piece of work is no longer a challenge when it comes to elaboration on the digital level. In fact, my daughter can probably type faster than me 😉 .

Have your child(ren) completed an online typing course? Or are you thinking about starting this? Maybe this blog about a typing course for your child you will continue.