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Can you change your EHPAD parent:what procedure?

Can you change your EHPAD parent:what procedure?

Do you have a parent in an EHPAD? Do you want him to change institutions? Whatever your motivations, know that this approach is possible. You just have to follow the steps of the procedure. How to do ? Here is everything you need to know to change an EHPAD parent.

Reminder:what is an EHPAD?

An EHPAD is an accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people. It is also called retirement home. These structures welcome people over the age of 60 affected by a loss of autonomy or dependency who cannot stay at home. The loss of autonomy can be physical or psychological. In all cases, it requires placement in a medicalized reception structure.

There, residents are accommodated in individual or collective rooms. They take advantage of common areas to meet, daily help to get up and go to bed, to wash themselves or to manage meals. Residents are cared for by medical teams. They also benefit from activities and outings according to their abilities.

EHPADs can be private or public. There are nearly 8000 in France. Some are specialized in welcoming Alzheimer's or Parkinson's residents. To be officially considered as an EHPAD, the medical establishment must be approved by the Departmental Council and the ARS (Regional Health Agency). To join an EHPAD, a resident must meet certain conditions. A file must be completed and then sent to the establishments. This file is unique and national.

The cost of an EHPAD

The EHPAD is an expensive structure. Several types of costs are involved and depending on their nature, they are covered or payable by the resident.

The accommodation price includes, as its name suggests, accommodation but also catering, maintenance and any entertainment. It is the responsibility of the resident. If his resources are insufficient, the resident can benefit from aid.

The dependency rate includes the costs of daily living. It is calculated according to the AGGIR grid, a tool to assess the degree of autonomy or loss of autonomy of a person. Depending on the AGGIR, the resident can claim APA and a tax reduction.

The care rate is that applied by health professionals and reimbursed by Social Security.

Why change EHPAD?

In certain situations, it is necessary to change nursing homes. This is the case if your relative lives too far from you, if the services of the EHPAD are no longer adapted to his state of health or if the person placed must integrate a specialized establishment. The reasons can also be more personal. For example, a couple may wish to be in the same structure.

How to change EHPAD?

To change a parent from EHPAD, the first thing to do is to inform the establishment in which he resides. Transfer should not be contraindicated for health reasons. The EHPAD will be able to recommend a type of establishment or even an EHPAD adapted to the needs of your parent.

The second step is to go looking for a new EHPAD. To find the right one, it is necessary to take into account the level of dependence of the resident and the place of residence of his family. If your relative can, invite him to visit the establishments with you. Of course, it is possible to make a preselection thanks to brochures and websites.

Once the establishment has been chosen, it is necessary to proceed with the transfer. As an EHPAD is accommodation, you must give notice before leaving. The deadline is one month. Find out about the conditions and the procedure to follow. A date is generally set by the new EHPAD when a place becomes available. Attention ! In some regions, places in nursing homes are rare. It is therefore necessary to be patient and not to give notice without having a reserved place. Just before the transfer, the room is prepared with your parent's personal belongings. If necessary, his living space is adapted so that he is comfortable there.