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From what age can you bungee jump? An idea for a family outing?

From what age can you bungee jump? An idea for a family outing?

If modern bungee jumping comes from an ancestral ritual in Vanuatu which consists of jumping from a wooden construction, the Gol, attached to a simple vine, in order to mark the passage to adulthood, it is a safe activity now practiced all over the world by thrill seekers. This sensational and highly supervised flash jump is increasingly popular with young audiences. From what age can you bungee jump? Is this an idea for a family outing? Our answers in this file.

From what age can you bungee jump?

To bungee jump alone, you must weigh at least 40 kg, i.e. be between 13 and 14 years old. However, some professionals impose other age limits; it is therefore advisable to inquire beforehand with the platform from which you plan to jump. To practice bungee jumping, a minor must imperatively provide written authorization from his parents, even if they are present.

It is possible to bungee jump well before the age of 13 or 14, provided you jump in tandem. Some platforms offer parent-child jumps and accept children as young as 5 years old. This practice created and democratized by New Zealander A.J. Hackett and named Bungee is inspired by a ritual that also marks the passage to adulthood in the Saa community, which lives south of Pentecost Island.

Bungee jumping, an idea for a family outing?

Bungee jumping is an activity that can be done as a family. Parents can jump, alone or in pairs, as well as teenagers over 13 or 14 years old, and the little ones can enjoy the sensations by jumping with their dad or their mom.

On the other hand, it is always necessary to inquire beforehand with the jumping platforms. Indeed, each one freely imposes its rules and limits, within a secure framework. Some impose weight limits, only tolerating 40 to 90 or 100 kg, but others tolerate much more to allow double jumps. It all depends on the rubber bands, since not all platforms have several models capable of supporting different weights.

The practice of bungee jumping is very regulated in France. The rubber bands are regularly checked and robust, since they are designed to support 2.5 tons of load. If they can serve more than 1,000 or 1,500 times, they are usually replaced after 200 to 500 jumps. An elastic is made up of a thousand threads of stretchable latex. It is not necessary to present a medical certificate to bungee jumping, except for people with disabilities and those who have reached a certain age (50 or 60 years old on average).

There are multiple platforms to practice bungee jumping around the world and in France. Thrill-seekers will find their happiness easily. Indeed, to attract more and more jumpers, professionals stand out by offering original jumps. You can jump from the highest bridges and viaducts if you like the vertiginous fall, as with the 182 meters of the Artuby bridge in the Gorges du Verdon. For lovers of sensational views and originality, there are platforms located in atypical and magnificent places. For lovers, tandem jumps are more and more offered and lovers of refreshment can also satisfy themselves and take a dip at the foot of several platforms.

So, are you ready to jump as a family? Before you start, always remember to contact the targeted platform to find out the instructions to follow, the limits and the regulatory recommendations.