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The baby blues:what is it?

The baby blues:what is it?

Inevitable passage for some or completely transparent for others, the baby blues affects many women following childbirth. Also commonly referred to as "third day syndrome", it often occurs when mom returns home with baby, or during the last days of maternity. It must be said that it's quite an upheaval:going from two to three or from a family of four to five, whatever! The arrival of a toddler at home is an upheaval, certainly positive but very serious within family life. Every woman may react differently, but that does not mean that hormones have nothing to do with it either. So how do you understand that baby blues everyone is talking about? How do you recognize and deal with it in a positive way when you go from working woman to full-time mom? So many questions that we will try to answer in several points.

Contents 1 How to recognize it? 2 Its duration? 3 The solution? Talk about ! 4 **** 4.1 Have you had the baby blues? 4.2 How did you feel at that moment?

Focus on this not always funny syndrome, and which can leave emotional and emotional traces when you don't know what it is.

How to recognize it?

The arrival of a baby irremediably changes the daily life of a woman. She becomes a mother, faces new responsibilities, significant physical and psychological changes and in a very short time. The baby blues has a physiological cause which is generally the sudden drop in pregnancy hormones. In this case, your emotions play on the "seesaw", and you go, without really realizing it or without knowing how to manage it, from laughing to crying in a few minutes. Do not panic ! This is completely normal and will pass naturally! Do you have sudden tantrums? A remark or a criticism, even positive, puts you in all your states, from tears to anguish as from anger to laughter? Look no further:the baby blues has taken over you!

I had it when I returned from maternity for my first…I had all my beautiful family who were there…I was sad, I had tears running down my cheeks constantly (which I hid), I I had the impression of having lost my first moments with baby… And, still today, my heart is full of it and it is difficult to talk about it again… To all the mothers, when you return home, let yourself time, find your bearings before everyone else arrives.

How long?

The baby blues usually occurs in the first days after childbirth and that is why it is nicknamed "3rd day syndrome". It does not drag on in time and lasts only a few days, with support, advice, communication (spouse, relatives, friends) but also with plenty of rest.

However, watch out! A baby blues that drags on, and without emotional support from loved ones or professionals in some cases, can turn into so-called "postpartum" depression which, unlike the baby blues, amounts to a more serious depression and which must be be followed seriously.

So, rest, and talk about it around you if it affects you, you will come out of it only winning and peaceful!

The solution? Talk about it!

Talk and don't be ashamed to ask tons of questions after baby's arrival! Don't feel up to that little bit staring at you? Think you can't manage your "before" and "after" life? Feeling tired and weak?

The key words:communicate, delegate and rest. Take a step back from what just happened to you and don't dwell! Although the baby blues is a widely talked about syndrome that affects more than one in three women today, it doesn't have to affect you. Don't anticipate things, and don't tell yourself that it will inevitably fall on you! It's not a fatality! However, as soon as symptoms appear (sadness, crying, helplessness, etc.), do not hesitate to talk about it with those around you, your spouse, your parents or friends, and of course if you feel the need. do not hesitate to talk to a health professional who will be able to guide you in this passage.

And that advice applies just as much to baby blues as it does to postpartum depression!


Have you had the baby blues?

How did you feel at that moment?

The baby blues:what is it?