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25 questions to ask early in the relationship

Relationships are fine, but we're not talking about "honeymoon time to evoke the beginnings for nothing. The excitement of a new message, the discussions until no time... Ok, but what do we do when there is a blank?

Sometimes we don't know what to say. But it's always good to have a question under the elbow, to get to know better the person. And we are thinking here of really getting to know each other better, thanks to a question that will revive the conversation while giving indications on what is hidden behind this pretty face.

What questions to ask your crush?

Some questions can be more complicated to ask face to face, while messages sometimes tend to make us more bold . This is an opportunity to take advantage and ask questions that we haven't dared to ask until now! It allows us to check the compatibility, in case this crush becomes a little more serious later. But we don't hesitate to talk about it in real life, a message can sometimes be misinterpreted... We help you find inspiration to learn to get to know your crush better !

First, some simple questions

1) What does the perfect day look like for you?

This question allows you to learn a little more about your crush and see if they are things you like also do. Does your crush tell you about hiking and climbing while you dream of breakfast in bed and a good book? Maybe in the long run, it will be complicated...

This question can very well be used to break the ice on dating apps for example!

2) What is the thing you are most proud of?

It allows you to get to know the other better while allowing them to bragging a bit and impress you. We also see its values ​​ that way, since we learn a little more about what matters most to him! Is his greatest pride his abs? Or helping his mom or saving a cat from a burning building?

3) What is your worst habit?

You might as well know right away what isthe worst thing at your crush. But don't ask for it point blank either, at the risk of looking like the person who breaks the mood... Do it only if you've revealed one of your bad habits just before for example.

4) What scares you but would you like to try anyway?

This is a very important question to ask, since we are all afraid of something. But it is information to have since it will allow us to see if we are on the same wavelength in terms of risk-taking and adventure!

5) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?

Another question that will allow you to gauge your partner's spirit of adventure. You can then chain and know the destinations where this person has already travelled ! At best, you keep this information in mind for a possible Christmas gift or surprise birthday . At worst, you will know that his favorite place on earth is the restaurant at the end of his street, and you will avoid disturbing him in his little routine.

We move on to the slightly more complicated questions

6) Are you religious and if so, what are your beliefs?

There, we enter the annoying subjects. If you are a believer and the other is not at all, or if you do not practice the same religion, it may be important to know this for the future. It lets you know if you have the same values and if your lifestyles are compatible. Better learn it early enough in case one's answer is a problem for the other.

7) Who do you consider to be the person closest to you?

This will allow you to already understand if your crush communicates easily, and with whom. Do you really want someone who calls their mom three times a day? Does he tell his best friend everything? Or even her ex? We just hope your crush adds you to the list!

8) What are your three goals in life?

Said like that, it's a bit of a job interview, but once again, it allows you to have a clearer vision of the potential future of your crush. It also allows you to see if his plans are realistic or if he plans on the comet. Does he do something to get his way, or is he just dreaming?

How we perceive the world determines how we behave. You might as well know right away if your crush is just planning to play the lottery every week or if they're doing something to get what they dream of! (and ideally, what you also dream of!).

9) What is the thing that you hate and that everyone loves?

With this question, we can talk about anything:from his favorite movie that is considered a turnip to the institution of marriage to his opinion on cilantro. In short, with this question we can have a funny answer or a real psy session , but the important thing is to continue and deepen the discussion – and to find out if you are compatible! To put the other person in confidence, you can start by giving your opinion on a subject:"I know that everyone loves it, but I hate it... and you?

10) What are your political views?

Just as complicated as the question on religion, but hey, it's better to learn it from the start rather than at the exit of the polls no ? Depending on their opinions, you surely don't want to waste your time with a person whose values ​​are the opposite of yours... In this election period , maybe it's better to know it from the start!

11) Do you have more modern or traditional values?

If you're thinking of getting in a relationship with someone, you need to know what their values are. . Do you share the same? Of course, asking the question in this way is a delicate thing and it is complicated to answer it. But as the discussion progresses, you should find out if you share the same opinion!

The Deeper Questions

12) What do you expect from a relationship?

It might be obvious, but it's better to know from the beginning if you expect the same from a relationship in order to check your compatibility! Do you expect the same from your partner?

Most of the time, this won't be one of the first questions to ask, but if you're getting along well, it's important to know if you're on the same page ! Some people may take months to ask this question, but it all depends on the pace at which your relationship progresses.

13) What is the most romantic thing someone has done for you?

This question gives you some insight into the things your crush likes, and is therefore very important. But it is better to wait to be a little intimate with this person, and avoid asking them on the first date!

So, does your crush prefer romantic gestures? Love letters? Or just hang out with the person they love? Knowing this will help you learn a little more about how he shows affection, and know if your love languages are compatible!

14) Is family important to you?

This is a very important question. to pose to his crush! For some, family is extremely important, and some plan their future based on their family or desire for family . It is important to know if your desires are similar, and if you accept his relationship with his family!

Knowing more about his relationship with his she will also allow you to know a little more about his past. In general, this allows the person to open up a little and reveal themselves!

15) What is the best compliment you have ever received?

It can give you insight into your crush's values ​​and what they are most proud of. This is also a great question to ask on a first date, it gets you into a fun discussion about the things you're most proud of in your life!

16) If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?

Even if at first you probably think your crush is perfect from every angle , it is very likely that this person lacks self-confidence in relation to certain things. If he decides to be vulnerable and to confide in you, your crush will then answer this question. It will also allow you to know if your crush communicates honestly and will therefore teach you more about the future of your relationship . If he tells you he wouldn't change anything about himself, well, you know everything you need to know!

These kinds of questions can save you a lot of time and energy that you would otherwise spend on someone who isn't worth it! It also shows you if the person is emotionally available and what she wants to share with you.

17) What always makes you laugh?

Having the same kind of humor can definitely bring you closer, since laughter can get you through all the hardships. And if the thing that always makes them laugh also makes you laugh, you're on your way!

18) What cheers you up?

This question can allow you first of all to know how to cheer him up if your crush is in a bad mood. But it can also let you know how they deal with their emotions. Does this person need to isolate themselves from others , or on the contrary, does she seek human contact to change ideas ? It is then up to you to see how you manage this news, if you can give it the space or the affection it needs.

19) What is one thing that people don't understand about you?

This can let you know how your crush sees himself. Is he aware of himself? What makes it unique ?

20) Where do you see yourself in ten years?

It still sounds a bit like a job interview , but we don't have to talk about careers here. Your crush can then tell you about his dreams and his desires! Does he still want to stay in the same city or live on the other side of the world? This question allows you once again to check your compatibility! If he wants to move to a cabin in the woods when you will never leave your city center, your desires are indeed not the same...

21) What could you talk about for hours?

Everyone has passions, and you can share the same. Whether it's sports, music or wildlife documentaries, find the thing that excites you both!

22) Has anyone ever broken your heart?

We avoid starting the conversation with that, but it can already teach you a lot about the person and bring you closer at the same time. If the person answers you with honesty, you will already establish some trust.

23) What is the biggest lesson you learned?

A person who is able to grow and learn from their mistakes to become a better person is downright sexy! Your crush's answer to this question can tell you if this person is mature in his way of thinking or if this is not the case at all. It also allows the person to confide , and it's up to you to discover even more about his life and the hardships he was able to overcome.

24) How was your childhood?

This question establishes an almost immediate relationship of trust. Depending on what the person answers you, you will be able to see the memories that remain in his memory and that he agrees to share, and thus better understand his character . You can even get info on the dish that marked his childhood, the countries he visited with his parents or his favorite cartoon!

THE question to ask your crush

25) What do you think of me?

We know, that's the question you're dying to ask! This question could finally let you know if things have a chance of ending up in a relationship with your crush!