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30 Questions to Ask Your Child Instead of How Was Your Day?.

30 Questions to Ask Your Child Instead of How Was Your Day?.

When I pick up my son from school on the day Back to school, I always ask the same question:

“So how was your day?”

And I always get the same answer:“good”.

Come on, it's the first day of school, and that's all you're telling me!

The second day, same question. And there, he answered me:“there are not too many imbeciles”. Great…

I guess the problem is me. This question does not inspire him much. It is too broad, indeterminate and not really interesting.

So I thought of some alternatives and prepared a list of questions which my son could answer with a single word… or even a growl.

These are fun questions that make you think of a game!

In fact, he even thought for at least 30 minutes before answering question 8!

30 Questions to Ask Your Child Instead of How Was Your Day?.

Questions a child will love to answer when they leave school

1. What did you eat for lunch?

2. Did you see anyone put their fingers in their nose?

3. What game did you play during recess?

4. What's the funniest thing that happened to you today?

5. Did someone do something super nice for you?

6. What's the nicest thing you've done for someone today?

7. Who made you laugh today?

8. Which teacher (or teacher or mistress) would survive a zombie attack? Why?

9. What new did you learn today?

10. Who brought the best snack today? What was it?

11. What challenge did you take on today?

12. If school was a carousel, what would it be? Why?

13. How would you rate your day at school, from 1 to 10? Why?

14. If one of your classmates could replace the master or mistress for a day, who would you choose? Why?

15. If you had the chance to be the teacher, what subject would you like to teach?

16. Did someone piss you off today?

17. Who would you like to have as a friend that you don't have yet? Why?

18. What is the most important rule of your master/mistress?

19. What's the funniest thing to do during recess?

20. Does your mistress/master remind you of someone you know? How?

21. Tell me something you learned about a friend of yours today.

22. If aliens were coming to your school and abducting children, who would you want it to be?

23. What did you do today that was helpful?

24. When did you feel most proud of yourself today?

25. What was the hardest rule to follow today?

26. What is the most important thing you would like to learn before the end of the school year?

27. Which person in your class is your exact opposite?

28. Which place in the yard is the most fun?

29. What activity would you like to master this year?

30. Are there children who have trouble following the rules in your class?

There you go, you now know the questions to ask your child for him to tell you about his day :-)

These are funny questions you ask as a family.

And it works for all back-to-school seasons for both girls and boys. :in kindergarten or in CP...

If you wish, you can print this questionnaire in its PDF version by clicking here.