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Astro:these 3 signs will return with their ex in 2022

Who says retrograde says return of the exes, and between Venus and Mercury in retrograde at the beginning of the year, we already have a chance of seeing some of them reappear! We know it, you don't go back to your ex, you don't swallow your vomit... But even if the word ex sends shivers down our spines, they are often people for whom we have affection. And Venus and Neptune bring back memories of the good old days, which ties us to a person.

What if our ex comes back?

What brings two people together is what they have in common, and what they have been able to create together. Whether it's artistic creation or our appreciation of art, it allows us to free our minds and sends us back on the gentle slope of nostalgia . It is therefore with full knowledge of the facts that we expect an ex to come knocking on our door… But whether this takes place through a message on social networks or that we cross them in the street, we welcome this meeting with love! No matter how we decide to manage this return, the important thing this year is to take care of yourself and put yourself before others.

These 3 signs will return with their ex in 2022

Aquarius: you tried to leave your oldmemories in the closet, simply because you wanted to move forward this year, in peace. Which is great, but the stars will surprise you:your old lover is back, and he wants to check on you ! Are you ready for such a meeting? After all, it's true that you had things in common! Finally, you broke up for good reasons , but is it supposed to last forever? You can surely have a coffee with this person… but still take the time to weigh the pros and cons before accepting.

Fish: we know that you walk a lot on instinct , and you are probably already aware of all this. You dreamed about your ex last week, and it stirred something inside you. Is it a premonition? Surely, in any case, they will think of you. Because of their influence on you, they became too dangerous for you, you ended up getting lost. But the astral configuration makes you nostalgic and you are ready to become vulnerable again. It might have been romantic, but towards the end of the year, you should avoid that ex who has the power to put you down.

Taurus: you will surelysee an ex again , but not necessarily the one you're thinking of! Because of the conjuncture between Venus and Neptune, it seems to have more to do with art and creativity. It is therefore not your toxic ex who will make a comeback in your life, but on the contrary, "the other". The one you didn't necessarily like, but with whom you always had a lot of fun. This is a person you have dreamed of. There may have been plans on the comet at the time, but you knew that nothing concrete would come out of this relationship, too many things stood in your way. But you had fun, you created and shared a vision!