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back to school; With these tips you will have an optimal start to the school year!

Recently I wrote an article about ordering school supplies together. I had a wonderful time shopping with my girl, even before the school holidays started. So she received a large part of her school supplies quite early. But that doesn't mean she's back to school proof already. She is not quite ready for her new school year and that gave me ideas for a blog full of tips about the 'Back to school' principle that everyone knows.

With these 10 tips, your child is assured of a good start to the new school year!

Table of Contents


Perhaps you are wondering what 'back to school' proof is? Well I can give you some tips below. In the past, we were not school-proof as standard when the holidays were over and the children went back to school. But these days I have a list that we check off. Simple, but effective.

Buy school supplies in the back to school period

Of course the best of the best; buy the school supplies. The girls especially love to shop for school supplies, don't they? In general, they do not really need to be stimulated to make the purchases. Enjoy browsing through all that beauty and mixing and matching various designs and materials. Absolutely great.

Our favorite store to go shopping is HEMA.

Firstly, because it is also just in our village and live shopping is really 'the bomb' for girls around 12 years old. But even if we were to order everything online for back to school, we would still shop at HEMA. The range is extensive there, they have very cool colors and designs in the latest collections, they have cool school diaries and it is affordable.

Furthermore, at HEMA they have everything that Lotte needs for the coming school year, even the calculator can be found there for a tenner. Super nice!

The only downside I can think of about buying school supplies is that our madam likes to have a new pencil case every year. Simply because there are countless nice new designs out there, hahaha. Normally I would think that's nonsense, but I do understand that it is great fun to go back to school in the new school year with new hip stuff. Especially if you are going to high school for the first time. And if that encourages you to have more fun using your school supplies and better learning, then I'm all for it!

Here you will also find a handy school supplies list for all back to school articles

Note the gym clothes!

A big fat tip to keep an eye on is the gym clothes. It has been a forgotten item here for several years in a row. And when sports had to be started in the first week, for example, the sneakers turned out to be too small! Then looking for new shoes that are also a bit affordable on the run is quite a job.

From high school you often no longer have to look at the sports outfit itself. Usually the school supplies a sports uniform in which the children can exercise. We just have to wait and see whether they supply enough uniforms/shirts, because otherwise you as a mother are at least washing the sportswear twice a week.

Hint :it is nice to have Ourganixx at home for possible sneakers and the like. Stinky sports shoes become bacteria-free again in no time with this remedy and the stench will disappear in no time.

Need a new backpack?

This is not always the case, of course, but especially if your child is going to secondary school, it is good to check whether the backpack is still sufficient. Or that the holes are not there from all the abuse of recent years, for example 😉 . Keep in mind that when they go back to high school they will have to carry a lot more books in their bag. A sturdy backpack is a must.

Hint :a separate compartment in the high school bag for a laptop is also very handy. This way you can be sure that it is well protected.

Covering books is quite fun to do!

My son was never happy about it. In fact, it never actually did the book cover itself. But I think Lotte really likes it. Another difference between boys and girls. Covering the books is really only an issue in secondary school, but it is definitely something that belongs to the back to school tips. In any case, start on time.

Do you have a teenager who always has to help you cover the books because they don't feel like it themselves? This joke really caught on with us!

Lotte bought cover paper this year in different pastel shades (see 2nd photo above). Lovely colors and after covering it really gets fun! Then the pimping of the school supplies can start. Stick with stickers, doodle on the cover paper (use the natural cover paper, which is the best for that). Or make beautiful stickers for the books with the Cricut.

At HEMA you will find fine and beautiful cover paper that can also be pimped up nicely.

Check the bicycle before the children go back to school

Does your child cycle to school? Then make sure you have checked the bike well in advance. Especially if the bike is not used much during the summer holidays. Just pump up the tires. Checking whether the saddle is still at the correct height and checking the lamps is not an unnecessary luxury.

Before the very first day of school; get your outfit ready

A big tip for the independent girls and boys. But perhaps also for the parents of younger children. Because you also have to get back into the back to school rhythm, right?

Make sure the outfit for the first day is ready the night before. This saves stress for younger children, especially if you consider together what they will wear. This way you won't get grumbling about the outfit on the first back to school morning.

This is also a smart tip for teenagers and adolescents. Especially with girls who, for example, need a lot of time to do their hair or something like that. Because if that even goes against you, it is very nice if you at least no longer have to think about your outfit.

Get enough sleep in the week before!

Holidays always mean going to bed late and sleeping in for a long time. And of course do all kinds of fun things. But going to bed really late really shifts the feeling of bedtime for the kids. Luc is now almost 17, so he goes to bed later anyway. But Lotte is 'only' 12 and she really needs her sleep. Especially now that she is going to secondary school and also has to cycle a long way.

In the last week before the holidays, we ensure that the children go to bed at a slightly more normal time. Not exactly at the same time as they have to go to bed during school periods, but only half an hour to an hour later. Just to make sure that the back to school rhythm somewhat matches the normal course of business.

In this way they can slowly get used to the new situation and they can start the new school year reasonably fresh and fruity.

With a back to school friend it is more relaxed

In one way or another, the first day of school is always exciting. Whether you just go up a class at the same school, or go to a new school. Even if you stay put, the first day of school can be very exciting.

It's great if you don't have to experience that back to school moment alone. So make sure you have a friend on that first day of school. Entering the classroom together is a lot more relaxed than alone.

A heart under the belt in the lunch box

As a parent, you know better than anyone how exciting that first day of school can be. Been there, done that, right? How nice is it when you let your son or daughter know that you are thinking of them by putting a sweet note in the lunch box or school bag. Always nice to do spontaneously, of course, but when they go back to school after the summer holidays, that's great!

Be home when they get home from school. If you can, of course!

The last good tip we can give you during the back to school period is that it is super nice for your child if you are home when they come home from the first day of school. Of course that's not possible for everyone, I get that. But if you have the opportunity, it is wonderful for your child to take a breather when he or she comes home from that first exciting day of school.

Tea with a biscuit. That's how it used to be at our house when I was young. And I will never forget that. In fact, it was my first sentence in the speech I gave at my mother's funeral. In my youth it was one of the many certainties I had that my mother was home when I got home from school. And I loved that.