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What is love ? The surprising answers of scientists

Love is the basis of everything, it's the only thing we need. But what is love anyway?

1/ Love is chemistry

According to a study published in 2012 in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology , couples with the highest levels of oxytocin last longer than others and are happier, more tactile and together, even able to finish each other's sentences. Same observation for the neurobiologist Lucy Vincent, author of Petits Arrangements with love, where she explains that "love is also about neurons, nerve centers and hormones ". “The heart is now reserved only for the courier of the same name; for the rest, it's in our head that it happens! “, she adds.

2/ Love passes (a lot) through the eyes

Already, because love at first sight exists, according to a study published in 2012 in The Journal of Neuroscience (even if attention:it is especially due to a physical or chemical attraction). Then, because a beautiful look makes us melt (and we can even say that without studying).

Finally, because we can easily see if it is reciprocal, simply by looking at the person in the face. According to a study published in the medical journal Psychological Science In 2014, if Bob's eyes are X-rayed, he wants sex. If his gaze focuses on the face, it's because he loves us...or at least he imagines living with us more than a story of buttocks!

3/ Love is emotion

That, we suspected! But what's funny is how well our "in love" emotion can mesh with "outside" emotions. According to a study by Psychology of Music , the attraction between two singles would be stronger when there is background music on the first date.

Any advice if you want to pack? Putting on some music, especially one chosen by Bob, will make you more "desirable", say the scientists. We at least hope he has good musical taste…

4/ Love lies in a kiss

We all say it to each other without daring to admit it out loud but yes, the quality of the kiss matters! According to a study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior in 2013, kissing helps us to determine whether or not we want to continue with a partner…and therefore to choose it better. According to our researchers, the more we kiss, the more we love each other. So, kiss.

5/ Love has no age

Not only does making love muscle our hearts, improve our blood pressure (well yes, sex is sports) and increase the connection between neurons (by dint of exercising in compromise, certainly...) but in addition... rejuvenates us!

According to Dr. David Weeks, a neuropsychologist and researcher at the Royal Hospital of Edinburgh in Scotland, couples who have sex at least three times a week look ten years younger than those who have sex only twice a week ( finding established after interviewing 3,500 people aged 18 to 102…for ten years. So it’s serious). And in addition, it is less expensive than an anti-wrinkle. Perfect!