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Did you know ? :having a broken heart would be dangerous for your health

This study, carried out between 1995 and 2014 on more than one million people, was conducted with the aim of seeing the effects and repercussions of a broken heart on health. First of all, the breakup with a partner, or even worse their death, triggers an irregular heartbeat in you that is dangerous to your health. Even more frightening, the figures show that the highest risk of heart attack is between 8 and 14 days after the shock. But be careful, even after this time you are not out of the woods (it would be too easy otherwise) since this irregularity remains present throughout the entire year , yes you read that right, which follows the event. Before gradually returning to normal.

People under 60 on the front line

Obviously, the Danish researchers did not do things by halves and took into account all possible and imaginable factors:age, sex, health condition... So in your opinion, who is the most sensitive to this phenomenon? A little hint:the answer is not what you expect! We would tend to think that the elderly are the most affected. In fact, people under 60 are twice as likely to get this “broken heart symptom.”

A higher risk of having a heart attack

More generally, people with a broken heart are 41% more likely to die of a heart attack than most people. We see you coming:yes, we can therefore die of a broken heart... Reassuring, isn't it? But let's stay cool and try to see the positive side of the study:the next time you get dumped like an old sock, you can always take the opportunity to complain, and put yourself on sick leave!