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13 Signs He's Really In Love With You

If you like someone, you naturally want to know for sure whether he is really in love. Letting these 13 signs he really love you give you the security you need.

Men and expressing feelings

If you are head over heels in love yourself, you naturally want to know for sure whether it is mutual. It is often easier for women to express feelings, while men are often closed off. Entering into a conversation to talk about your feelings and ask about his feelings is the best option to find out how he feels about you.

On the other hand, talking about feelings is also quite difficult for many men. Fortunately, there are plenty of other signs that he really has a crush on you. You can see that in his actions and in his body language.

Reading tip :The first 7 years in a relationship are crucial

13 Signs He's Really In Love With You

Fortunately, you don't have to gamble on the signs of his crush. Everything is neatly arranged below. By the way, he doesn't have to tick all the boxes. It is true that the more you can tick off, the stronger his feelings are for you.

1. He makes time for you

Whether he's busy at work or stressed, a man who likes you will make time for you. An app, a call or an email, he clearly shows that he has not forgotten you. You are his number 1 priority.

Note:if he does nothing else than call, email or text and always wants to be kept informed of what you are doing, this may also indicate dependence on you.

2. He is constantly thinking of you

If you have an important appointment and he texts you that he's thinking of you, it shows that he's thinking of you. That also applies if he wishes you a lot of fun when you have a date with friends planned. He will let you know that his thoughts are with you. After all, he is actively involved in your life and is constantly thinking about you, even when he is not with you.

Note:Thinking about someone is different from wanting to control someone all the time.

3. He invites you

A man who likes you will also regularly invite you to have something to eat or drink. He will pay the bill without any problem. Not because he thinks you couldn't do it yourself, but because he likes to spoil you. That way he can show that he wants to take care of you.

Note:some men try to "buy" a woman by showering her with gifts. Sometimes it's good to turn the tables and pay the bill for an outing.

4. He doesn't just think about sex

A man who mainly wants to get closer and get to know you better is really interested in you as a person. Of course there may be physical affection, but in a good relationship this should not be the most important.

Note:does a man want to share the bed with you right away? Then he is not looking for a relationship, but for a bed partner/someone who can satisfy his lust.

5. He introduces you to family and friends

A man who introduces you to friends and family and flaunts you a little has deeper feelings for you. After all, he wants everyone in his immediate environment to know that you belong to him. And he is proud to introduce you to the people close to him.

Please note:there are also men who like to show off women, but only do this to stroke their own ego.

6. He is teasing you

Being in love and loving each other also means that there is room to tease each other. Playful teasing is part of flirting and is definitely a good sign that he's in love with you.

Note:If his teasing hurts you, report it!

7. He makes plans with you

Whether for the near or distant future, he involves you in this. He takes your wishes into account. Suppose you have a nice festival in mind that you would like to go to. He suggests accompanying you, because it is much more fun with just the two of you than on your own. A sign that he is not only in love with you, but likes to be with you and is interested in the things you do.

Note:if he talks about getting married and having children very quickly, this could also be a sign of separation anxiety.

8. He comes with very original compliments

A man who is in love with you will not just compliment you. He will think carefully about the compliments he makes, so that they are really original. Compliments that show that he has really immersed himself in you. So not a compliment in the sense of:'You have a beautiful figure', but a compliment such as:'It is nice how you deal with people.'

Note:You don't have to hear original compliments every day. This can quickly become too much and indicate that he himself needs compliments.

9. He can't take his eyes off you

If a man is in love with you, you will soon notice. He can't keep his eyes off you. And not just your body, but especially your face, your smile, your eyes and how you move. Does he keep making eye contact with you? Then you know it's all right.

Note:there is a big difference between staring and an interested look.

10. He knows exactly what you love

A man who is in love with you knows exactly what you love. When he drives to that one store especially to get that package of chocolate that you can only buy there. Or if he plays your favorite music at home so you can relax, he's guaranteed to love you. It's important for him to be considerate of you and make you feel comfortable. He wants you to be happy.

Note:If he just wants to make things your way, that could be a sign of insecurity on his part. The knife cuts both ways, sometimes you also have to take his wishes into account.

11. He really listens

There is a difference between listening and listening. A man who really cares about you will listen attentively and remember the things you say. So don't be surprised if the next time you're with him, he asks about your grandmother who he's never seen before, but who you talked about once. Or that he shares a nice anecdote of yours with his friends. If a man really listens, that's a sign of connection.

Please note:listening and wanting to put everything on a scale does not work of course. Also not listening in order to be able to spew his own opinion or provoke a discussion is a sign on the wall that you should distance yourself for a while.

12. He touches you

A man who is interested in a woman will make sure that he touches her lightly and 'accidentally' every now and then. That doesn't always have to be a real hug. A light touch of the arm, a brief touch of the hand, these are all signs that he is seeking physical overtures, without you having to immediately look for anything behind it.

Note:a man who immediately becomes very pawing at the first meeting is probably only out to satisfy his lusts, without having any real interest in you as a person.

13. He is there for you

Do you need help with a move? Is he there for you if you are sick or otherwise need help? It is a clear sign that he is not only thinking about you, but wants to help you with advice and assistance. He wants to do everything possible to make your life just that little bit easier. Finally, it is also the perfect way to show off his masculine qualities as a helper and protector.

Note:in a relationship it is give and take! If you only take, he can quickly get the impression that you are only looking for a savior and not a friend or an equal relationship.

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