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The 4 signs that show that he likes you (really)

Tired of beating around the bush with Bob? Not knowing if he wants you in his bed, in his life, as a "friend" or to play with you like a trickster cat with his rolling mouse toy?

No problemo, we have hello. Because in fact, YES, knowing if a guy really likes you is easy (even if a lot of guys want us to believe the opposite…). And these 5 signs, which we all already know but which we tend to forget - because love has the slight tendency to fry the brain) are never wrong...

1/ He respects you

THE BASE ! A guy plays with you a lot? Pick up other girls in front of your furious eyes to make you angry (precisely)? Do you do dirty tricks to stir up your passion? Do you regularly speak badly to provoke you? The thing, Bob, is that we RE-SPE-CTE ourselves, we RE-SPE-CTE others, so we don't see why we should let others disrespect us! Being an asshole isn't sexy for a penny, actually. It's just heavy. Painful. Useless. Proof that you have a big problem in your head. Worries that we will stay away from and prefer to do without, thank you.

And then, love is made to do good, not to suffer, right? And it's already ENOUGH complicated when it starts out simple, so why add another layer of it by getting into something that starts out so badly? We deserve better, like being just… happy, without being often in pain and stress, right? So now we don't get fooled by the nut hunters anymore:we know that a guy who REALLY appreciates us for what we ARE and not like a TOY with whom we can have FUN, is the one who treats us well, as we deserve! NA!

2/ He is interested in you

And not just after 11 p.m. asking yourself, "What are you doing?" (we can clearly see where you are coming from, Bob…). No, he appreciates seeing your face in the photo of your 2 years old where you have lots of chocolate spread on your face (is it really chocolate?…), he is interested in your passions, your values, you listen (within reason! If you've been on the go for 3 hours, the poor kid might get impatient...), also talk (more or less) about him (guys often have a little trouble talking about 'them, damn it),…

He's even CAPABLE of asking you weird questions, like, "What did you eat for lunch?" ", "Do you think the chicken or the egg came first? "Are you finishing your fries?" (but OF COURSE I finish them, what do you think, you!).

3/ He wants to see you

Subliminal message for all those trying to convince themselves that the guy who takes 10,000 years to invite them is maybe "just patient" or "shy"...

No. When we are interested in someone, we want to spend time with them, even if it is not necessarily an hour a day at the very beginning. Dot.

> (Re)read:10 signs that he is (really) in love

4/ His body speaks for him

Dilated pupils, chuckles, raised eyebrows, movements that synchronize with yours:this man is addicted… to you! It's his non-verbal communication that says it. 🙂

> 8 gestures that show that he likes you

So, go, go, go, let's take action!