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8 clues that show you're (really) ready to fall in love

Its symptoms appear little by little, in a variable temporality according to the individuals. This disease is not the disease of love, which runs, which runs, but that of Pre-Love, also called "Symptom of CPARDLA" (of the Heart Ready to Receive Love, in short). Its duration is also variable but very often, it does not last long, because it often evolves, after an encounter, into a real love disease.

Here are his 8 symptoms.

1 / We no longer want to (ziggle) our ex or grumble at our girlfriends, hidden between a woolen plaid, caramel chip ice cream and tears of despair / anger:"Guys, it's all nuuuuls!!! In fact, we don't even really blame our ex anymore. We turned the page, and we even (almost) pity him. Our pain passed, we learned a lot of things from our history, we see that there are other men on this earth, and that many look cool. In short, ON is cool.

2 / We are no longer in the stage:"I need to prove that I have moved on", by multiplying the conquests (which do not even really make us want), the outings (with people who we don't really like), activities, experiences, etc. In short, by being hyperactive in life - in case he follows us on Facebook, and that he is really angry (yes, yes, you are not the only one). When you've really moved on, you don't need to prove it and you're zen.

3/ Rotten relationships, no thanks. The passionate stories, with tortured people, Don Juans, teasers, bad boys, ok, it's super exciting. But that, we don't want anymore, because we now know very well that it would only lead to trouble. We prefer the "nice" type, with whom we can have a healthy relationship. Because no, "nice" is not a swear word, just a requirement for a healthy relationship.

4/ We are not expecting a prince charming. No, we know that it does not exist (and that we would be bored if it existed). We learned that love requires work and that you have to learn to speak your language. Moreover, speaking with our friends who have been in a relationship for a while and are very in love, we can see that they do not go out with what was their ideal, far from it often. An Australian surfer fan finds herself with a short, bald Alsatian. A fan of bad boy Latinos with a calm, blond scientist. And they are deeply happy like that because that is what true love is. Not the blinding and chemical passion (which quickly makes pschiit).

5/ We already have a lot of love in our life. From our friends, our family, our cat Momo. Our reservoir of love is already full. A man ? It would almost be a bonus. Finally, has other desires, all the same… Hum.

6/ We are happy alone. We have a job, activities, friends we love. We crunch life and we are more and more fulfilled. We even tell ourselves that deep down, we don't need a man to be happy! And that shows that we will really love each other. For what it is, not for what it brings us.

7/ We open our eyes…and our hearts. With our friends, our colleagues, and maybe even our family, we go out, we meet new people. Without necessarily doing it TO meet love, but for the pleasure of meeting new faces. This is how our heart and our being opens up to life, to opportunities, to others, and therefore to love. And then, if you stay in your cave, it's hard to find love, unless it's with Bob the plumber or the guy from La Poste, right?

8/ We believe in it. And when you believe in something, it always happens, even when you don't expect it. That's the magic of life...and love.