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Love again, we believe in it!

Love is like a library. When we finish a story, we need a certain time - short or longer - to be able to leave it and be able to immerse ourselves in another book that will transport us. Better ! It will thrill us with such intensity that we will find it to be the best we have ever read. And maybe even that book will be The Neverending Story.

So, let's open our eyes wide and lift our hearts:we're about to (re)live the 22 magical moments of the beginning of a new relationship, only better.

8 tips to make our love hearts explode

1. I love myself. To love again, and even stronger, you must first love yourself. A few weeks, a few months or even a few years, we take the time we need (we are not in a hurry) to find each other and we send those who are in the way out! Sessions of pampering, relaxation, solitary pleasure, shopping or solo vacations:we are currently in a relationship with ourselves, we love each other and for now, it suits us very well.

2. Forward, everyone! We had a lot of fun with ourselves and now we feel stronger, more dynamic and with bigger hearts than ever! We are ready to open it up to the world and to leave a place for someone there, warm. Sometimes it just clicks, other times gradually, and sometimes we don't even see it happening. In any case, we are calm. Yes, the man with whom we are going to live a great and magnificent love story is there, somewhere, perhaps also wondering, in plaid boxer shorts in his bed, when is he will have the chance to meet you.

3. With an open heart. While waiting to love him, as for a marathon, we prepare for love – but his aches. For this, nothing could be simpler and more pleasant:we just need to open our hearts to the world and to people. Whether it's our friends, our family, our colleagues or the people in the street:we show ourselves benevolent, full of attention and warmth towards everyone (or almost) and here we are:we already have a loving look at life. . Blooming, we attract attention and encounters, and we are even more ready to welcome them.

4. Love is beautiful. Whether they are young people smooching at the end of high school, couples eating ice cream on the terrace of a café or little old people walking hand in hand, we look at lovers not with jealousy but with great tenderness. . Not only because it's more pleasant but also because love is just beautiful, that's all. And that soon, it will be our turn to smooch in the street while sharing ice cream hand in hand. By becoming aware of this, our heart sparkles even more with serenity and love, attracting even more the meeting with our future man.

5. When it lasts, it's not hard. Nothing better to strengthen our faith in love than stories of old people, who have loved for a long time. With a good little tea, we sit at a table with our neighbour, our aunt or the parents of our best friend. As if we were a child, we ask them to tell us their beautiful love story and we listen attentively. Already, our heart starts to beat again in our chest.

6. Make me vibrate. The imagination is amazing! Just by reading a romantic book, listening to ode-to-love music, or watching short films/love films/sexy films/kissing-jogging scenes, we already feel…in love. The emotional transfer of the works is so effective that we connect to them regularly to update our hard drive more quickly in Love mode. By dint of feeling fictitiously in love, we will really know it. In the real world this time.

7. Write a new story. And if, to open a new story, we wrote one, a real one? Equipped with a pencil and sheets of paper for the traditional ones or a computer for the high-tech ones, we challenge ourselves to transform this introductory period into a beautiful love novel, the writing of which will open up with a big heart, and that we will enjoy reading again later, snuggled up in the arms of our dear and tender.

8. Diving in the Amur River. In love, we believe in it more than ever! Confident, strong and radiant, we set out and take risks while respecting our principles. In the street, in cafes, on the internet, we have our eyes and hearts open, we meet lots of different men, and when it's the right one, we'll know it and everything will happen naturally, with surprising fluidity. And these 22 wonderful moments will then come together in the present.