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Aphrodisiac:what is it?

Aphrodisiac:the magic potion of desire

We would all like to perform every night like a rising porn star, but the desire is not always there! Fatigue, stress, fluctuating hormones... in short, our libido is not always in good shape. Without forgetting the drops in diet and other (small) sexual dysfunctions of our males. Fortunately, we can count on the little natural pick-me-ups to give a boost to our sexual appetite.

Aphrodisiacs owe their name to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and sexuality. They have been used since time immemorial to stimulate desire, awaken libido, and boost the sexual performance of these gentlemen. But not only ! Some desire boosters also increase the pleasure one feels during lovemaking. Without forgetting the captivating power of caliente essential oils which, by awakening the senses, give a boost to carnal complicity. An aphrodisiac is therefore any plant, object or food that creates or stimulates sexual desire. It is therefore not forbidden to put sexy lingerie or naughty movies in the category of aphrodisiacs!

Aphrodisiacs that hide their game well

When we talk about natural aphrodisiacs, we think of oysters, chocolate or ginger... And yet, other dishes hide their game well!

Arugula, for example, is known for its desire-boosting effects. Rich in vitamins, this salad with a slightly spicy taste is packed with quercetin, a substance that has the same effects as the treatments used in case of erectile dysfunction!

Almonds, on the other hand, have been known since antiquity for their aphrodisiac properties. Moreover, in ancient Rome, it was these dried fruits that were thrown on the bride and groom as an omen of fertility. Dates, packed with carbohydrates, are perfect for helping Monsieur keep up the pace for endless antics...

Another no less interesting aphrodisiac alternative, oats! It's a perfect ally to set the duvet on fire! This cereal is an excellent source of arginine, an amino acid that boosts sexual appetite.

Do aphrodisiacs really work?

As you can imagine, it is not by consuming these aphrodisiac foods that you will immediately transform yourself into the incredible Hulk of sex! But we cannot say that their effect is of the order of the placebo. Some of these foods have erotic powers because they give a subtle feeling of well-being. By promoting the release of endorphins, molecules of happiness and pleasure, these erotic dishes whet the appetite. Others have a vasodilating effect. They promote blood circulation, warm our little soft body, and amplify orgasm, not to mention the substances beneficial to spermatogenesis. Finally, some of them stimulate our taste buds and awaken our senses. By preparing an aphrodisiac menu, for example, you create a torrid atmosphere, conducive to love. You are therefore more receptive to the carnal advances of your partner. And that's good!