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Concoct a naughty menu based on aphrodisiac foods

Aphrodisiac menu:a naughty starter

To increase desire, we start with an excellent appetizer:arugula salad, a herb that hides its game well and whose stimulating properties have been known since Antiquity. We know, for example, that small bouquets of arugula were placed at the foot of the statues of Priapus, god of fertility.

Another food to highlight for an aphrodisiac starter:avocado. This fruit, rich in good fats, is as good for your libido as it is for your health. Opt for example for a guacamole, a gazpacho of cucumber, avocado and mint, or even a salad of cucumber and avocado with spices.

To awaken your palate and your ardor, fall for celery! By opting for a cream of celeriac with curry, you also enjoy the erotic benefits of the yellow powder.

Aphrodisiac menu:a hot dish

To continue to excite you, you can bet on oysters, by associating them for example with caviar. You thus make a double strike, because caviar is also an aphrodisiac delicacy. Other seafood also works very well, since they are rich in zinc and phosphorus. Another exceptional dish to spice up a hot romantic meal:truffles!

To get excited without breaking the bank, we also put spices in the spotlight. Duck breast with honey and spices, for example, is an excellent choice. It allows an explosive combination of ingredients, each one hotter than the other! Scallops with ginger, clams and prawns with chilli, or seafood casseroles with saffron, and voila to warm up the atmosphere!

Not to mention the fish! The omega-3s it contains increase the level of dopamine in the brain, which is a preliminary to excitement.

Aphrodisiac menu:a voluptuous dessert

The dessert should send you to seventh heaven in two shots of a teaspoon! Bet on an aphrodisiac fruit salad. Pineapples, kiwis and almonds are perfect to kick things up a notch. Another idea, roasted figs with vanilla and cinnamon. An alliance as hot as it is tasty. Are you a cocoa addict? The chocolate cake is a safe bet for those who want to perform every time (in the kitchen as in bed). Gourmands looking for the winning combo will not hesitate to associate it with sulphurous fruits such as strawberries or bananas. At the top to titillate the taste buds and the libido!

Aphrodisiac menu:a caliente drink

Why not treat yourself to a ginger and vanilla love punch? A West Indian cocktail packed with libido-boosting ingredients. Ginger, honey, vanilla and cinnamon! An aphrodisiac bomb to test urgently! Champagne is also THE drink of love. Bubbles go to your head and disinhibit. In moderation anyway, the goal is not to end up tipsy and abandon yourself in the arms of... Morpheus!