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Pregnant woman diet menu

Pregnant woman diet menu

When you are pregnant finding your diet can be a real headache. From the fear of being restricted to the urge to devour everything, good advice is rare, and often many tend to fall into one of two extremes. So here are my little tips to avoid excesses of everything, and to have a diet during pregnancy that is balanced and safe for baby.

Contents 1 Eat a balanced diet 2 Listen to your body 3 Avoid certain foods 4 Eat foods rich in folic acid

First the word diet. For many moms, dieting is synonymous with restriction and weight loss. You might as well lift the amalgam right away, diet ABSOLUTELY does not mean that. Here, diet will be the whole range of good dietary practices during the period of pregnancy or even breastfeeding of the infant. A look back at these few good habits to adopt for unparalleled well-being during pregnancy.

Eat a balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet is a prerequisite when you are pregnant. Rather than avoiding certain foods, prioritize eating nutrient-dense ones. It is common in the first trimester to advise, and I advise you, to eat meat, fish rich in iron, protein and omega. But also, and it is less well known, to divide your meals, and to feed yourself during the day with 4 or 5 small meals, rather than 2 or 3 large meals. Thus your energy intake will be constant throughout the day, and nausea, vomiting, or feelings of bloating reduced. In summary:eat rich foods, and space your meals.

Listen to your body

I often see a lot of future moms make this mistake:eating according to a program. It is a mistake. Listening to your body is one of the basics. Your body will make you feel what it needs. If you crave sweet, salty, meat, fish, then stop saying no. Listen to him. If you want it, he needs it. It is very important to know how to listen to your body, because who better than him knows what you and your baby need? Nobody. Pay attention to the messages he sends you. And above all, listen to what he has to say to you. Don't hold back on the pretext that you have read it here or there. Deprivation is one of the biggest sources of depression. Stay alert to his messages, and above all eat your fill. Which does not mean, and far from it, emptying the Nutella jar. Eat it with this in mind:eat yes, but eat healthy.

Avoid certain foods

Being pregnant does not mean doing anything, and eating on the pretext of stocking up on nutrients for baby. There are certain foods to avoid when you are pregnant. Here are some of these undesirables. First of all, it goes without saying that tobacco and alcohol when you are pregnant are to be avoided. Everything you eat, drink and consume will inevitably find its way into the little being you carry. Avoid drinking as much as possible, or consuming cigarettes after cigarettes during your pregnancy. It goes without saying, but not yet for all mothers. Also avoid eating raw, smoked or salted fish, such as salmon, canned herring, oysters. For the latter, avoid them, the oyster if it is not fresh can have an impact on your pregnancy, both by intoxication, and by the transmission of bacteria to your child. And if you still want to eat them, then eat them, but cooked or au gratin. Immediately less risk.

Eat foods rich in folic acid

Pregnant woman diet menu

Folic acid, more commonly known as vitamin B9, plays a key role in the growth of the fetus during pregnancy. Consuming foods rich in folic acid will reduce the risk of many pathologies. Because it promotes the division of healthy cells, the production of DNA, red blood cells and prevents the risk of congenital disease. It is not only advisable to consume it, during but also before pregnancy. If the liver is not recommended during pregnancy, just like liver-based foods, other foods rich in vitamin B9 are recommended. Legumes like lentils or beans. Orange juice or lettuce are foods to eat for their significant intake of folic acid. Which becomes from the 4th week because it plays an essential and predominant role in the formation of the nervous system of the fetus. In summary:consume foods rich in folic acid (vitamin B9, I remind you) and above all:avoid liver and liver-based foods during your pregnancy.