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Love at first sight:the older you get, the more you believe in it

Belief in love at first sight is not the prerogative of young people who are a little naive or/and ultra-romantic. Despite love disappointments and experiences, we believe in it even more as we get older, says a study conducted by the dating advice site among 1,080 people.

The golden age of romanticism:35-44 years old

According to the results deciphered by these investigators, middle-aged people are almost twice as likely (46%) as 18-24 year olds to believe in love at first sight.

In detail, the most romantic are the 35-44 year olds, with 67% of supporters of instant love. For 45-54 year olds, the figure is slightly lower:64%.

“From the age of 35, we have had more experiences and we understand better what love is,” explains the study. In short:we know more clearly what we want so we are better able to quickly identify if someone is right for us...or not.

Are men more romantic than women?

Where we were (pleasantly) surprised was when we looked at the results by gender. Imagine that as they age, men are much more romantic than women, since 61% of middle-aged men strongly believe in it against 53% (only) of women.

Another astonishing surprise:divorced (60%) and married (61%) people believe in it more than single people (50%).