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Soul mate:how to prolong love at first sight?

Why is love at first sight often fleeting?

Love at first sight is by definition an uncontrollable "flash" that is not supposed to last over time. And fortunately ! Can you imagine the stress that this tornado of love would put your fragile little heart through while dragging on? Result:the return to reality is often complicated, after this euphoric moment, the head in the clouds.

Moreover, under the effect of this love shock, you are in a daze, as if bewitched. You therefore (very) often tend to idealize the other. And the hormones of well-being and happiness make you believe that your soul mate is perfection incarnate. He's the prettiest, the smartest, the funniest... His flaws are so sexy! They are also its charm. But for that you still have to notice them! Small details like her smile, the tone of her voice or her pretty dimples, suddenly take on disproportionate importance. In short, you will understand, love at first sight takes you completely away from reality.

Soul mate, after the euphoria... the disillusionment?

Love at first sight is a chemical reaction, which disappears almost as quickly as it appeared. It drags in its wake all your illusions. Critical thinking and observation skills are on standby. But once the enchantment has passed, what remains of the dream portrait you drew of this extraordinary man? Because the more time you spend with him, the more you understand that you have idealized him a little too much. In truth, it is your needs, your desires and your expectations that you project onto the one you think is your soul mate. The traps of the lightning strike are also part of the lot, as well as the palpitations or the butterflies in the belly. Fortunately, they are not inevitable.

The parade ? Don't rush into this new story! To prevent the magic from falling quickly like a soufflé, brake with four irons. allow yourself the time to discover the other as he really is. Only then will you avoid the devastating post-passion hangover.

Soul mate:from love at first sight to a solid and lasting relationship

As you will have understood, this sudden passion, as wonderful as it is, is only a passing feeling. Moreover, in many cases, it comes to nothing... This is particularly the case when love at first sight is not reciprocal, or when one of the two "thundered" is in a relationship. If however you think you have found your soul mate, there is no question of letting it go! As soon as you have recovered your senses, you will have to get down to building a solid and lasting relationship by cultivating this love garden as a duo. A project that may leave you less dreamy, but the advantage is that it LAST! Moreover, to help you, your brain secretes oxytocin. This hormone of love and attachment comes into play to anchor your romantic relationship over time.

In summary, if you have experienced love at first sight you are already very lucky. But if you manage to turn this sudden passion into a “long-lasting” love affair, you are twice as good!