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Love:how to provoke encounters?

Single ? You don't like any boy and that makes you despair? Do not panic. Provoking meetings that suit you is like luck, it takes work! 5 things to do.

1 – Get away from your friends as a couple. Even if seeing them is good for you, that you have very pleasant evenings, you don't have many opportunities to meet them... Less, in any case, than with single friends. Turn to them more, let go of the routine, the known.

2 – Plan outings. Because yes, to provoke meetings, you have to take charge, and plan outings with friends, not necessarily relatives, but those with whom you can go to party, even brief exhibitions, frequent places where there are has animation and where people mix…

3 – You must be internally open to the other. If you want to have a nice meeting anywhere, the most essential thing is the openness that we release and that the other feels. Whether we are at the coffee machine, at the bakery, in the metro, at the gym... The more we are able to make the other want to talk to us because we are smiling, in a good mood, the more it generates interest, curiosity. Basically, we make ourselves accessible through an open face.

4 – During the first exchanges. What will make the difference is your ability to quickly talk with the other about something authentic, real, that matters to you or to the other. It may be something that hurt you or that you loved, in short, the idea of ​​expressing what we are and succeeding in transmitting it faster, therefore stronger.

5 – Falling in love is… Being surprised! Those who never fall in love are those who never allow themselves to be surprised by a personality, who are too closed, who have too many preconceptions. Tell yourself that you can't love someone you don't know, so put yourself in a favorable position! We do not fall in love by chance, we fall in love when we are in the awakening of the other, so be curious.

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