Family Best Time >> Family

100 reasons to love each other even more

Because we know how to write in the sand with our feet.

Because we have a unique genetic makeup.

Because we had (very) little chance of being alive with all these little tadpoles who wanted to fertilize our mom's egg and we're here.

Because the days go by and are never alike.

Because we breathe on our own without even thinking about it.

Because we spend our whole lives in a relationship with ourselves and we are great company!

Because we are pros of the intellectual split, loving both stupid things like reading people magazines, and more intellectual things, like reading a good book, taking an interest in current events...

Because we managed to move from our mother's belly to the open air and we adapted to these different climates, like adults already.

Because our nails scratching our skin have the immense power to give us intense pleasure.

Because a simple smile thrown at a stranger will warm his heart.

Because we know how to make really horrible faces.

Because we have all created a second family:our great friends.

Because even when we sleep we manage to create incredible things:our dreams.

Because we have a body, which lives and can do all kinds of great things (like wiggling our buttocks, hopping forward, crawling backwards).

Because we have all been through hardships and they have always made us stronger.

Because we have our own, unique personality. We are us and no one else is.

Because we are free and we can do ANYTHING we want, REALLY. If you want to drop everything to go raise goats in Mongolia, take a trip around the world or run naked in the street, you can. Afterwards, you just have to assume.

Because sometimes, we can transform the reality of others by making them believe whatever we want even if it is false (muhaha).

Because we are able to vibrate while listening to music, in front of a film, in front of a landscape,...

Because we have the choice between being a good person or a bad person. And that 99.99% of the time we choose the first solution.

Because even when we were at the bottom of the hole, we always managed to get out of it.

Because we are all loved by many people on this earth, who have grown a little more thanks to us and who need us

Because we have seen many things with our eyes and will see many more.

Because as soon as we do what our heart tells us, we feel a gentle feeling of warmth invade it:happiness. Isn't that all that damn good?

Because we have one at home. That we can organize and arrange as we want, with really bizarre decorations if we insist on it.

Because with the people we love, it's a bit like us too.

Because we all have a huge heart capable of loving the whole earth.

Because basically, if a genius offered us to swap our life with someone else's, we would refuse. Even if he is a Hollywood star.

Because we can choose to be single, in couples, in trouples, in whatever you want.

Because we can all make this world a better place, even with small gestures, like helping a grandma carry her big bag up the stairs or holding the door for someone.

Because we are among the people who provoke the passion of singers or actors. They want to be seen and/or heard by US. Because they only exist IF we see them. Even if it's Ryan Gosling. Always tell yourself that, in the world that is reflected in your eyes, Ryan Gosling exists ONLY because of you, because you see him.

Because we are constantly creating. Concrete things, like professional records, abstract things, like relationships with others...

Because, when we behave badly for no reason, afterwards, we are ashamed. Which shows that we are super girls.

Because we are able to change the images on our TV just by pressing buttons, music by clicking only on icons on our computer, words on pages just by turning them.

Because we are sensitive to art, whether it is paintings, sculptures or a beautiful film.

Because we are a magnificent link in this immense ocean called "humanity".

Because we are able to cause so much desire and pleasure in people that we can make them come.

Because we are able to communicate with others. Sometimes without even speaking (crazy).

Because we all have superpowers. For some, it will be knowing how to write upside down, for another to remember all the faces crossed (but not the names),…

Because we have lots of ultra-sensitive areas that have a great effect on us, Olala!, when a handsome man (or ourselves) touches them.

Because we can wiggle our toes with happiness when we find our duvet.

Because if we are happy, the people around us will be happy for us.

Because we are able to think non stop and keep lots of stuff just for us. It's called our secret garden and it's beautiful.

Because we have a body with which we can play with dolls. You can pamper him, dress him, cut his hair as you want,...

Because we know how to read. Everything in our alphabet, huh! And even if we don't understand everything!

Because we've all helped a lot of people with our advice, even if it's just someone asking for directions on the street.

Because we are reactive to the world around us:sad when a friend is sad and happy when they are happy.

Because we are even emphatic with strangers, smiling when seeing happy people in transport or stressed when seeing them tearing themselves apart. We are even able to be afraid in front of characters in danger in films, or to feel the feeling of love in front of a love film. That's to say!

Because even if we are emotional sponges, we know how to sort and protect ourselves a minimum.

Because we were a pretty baby, a beautiful little girl and now we have become a woman, a real one, that we built all by ourselves.

Because we're hot, full stop.

Because we can make drawings and they will always be beautiful (taste and colors are subjective, so we suddenly decide that they are beautiful and that's it).

Because we can cook meals for others and even if they fail, it will give them a great time.

Because our super powerful nose is able to recognize, even if we have our eyes closed, a lot of things.

Because we are all capable of rediscovering our inner child on certain occasions:watching the snow, at Christmas, in front of a cartoon, with our friends.

Because we are also capable of being very mature, by giving good advice, by behaving like citizens, by making good decisions,...

Because we are all giants on the inside. Feet on the ground and head in the clouds.

Because our brain is capable of creating things that do not exist. It's called imagination.

Because we have lots of projects in our head.

Because we are capable of loving, deeply.

Because we know how to survive, by getting food, sleeping, breathing...

Because we have nails and hair that grow on their own, without even being asked (the class!)!

Because our brain is so powerful that it works all the time. I think, therefore I am , as the other would say.

Because we are the queen of our world, which exists for us, through our eyes. Are we sad? Poof! It becomes suffocating. Are we happy? Boom! It becomes exciting. So we do what we want with it, depending on our inner state! Classy, ​​right?

Because we are one with our universe, vibrating in front of a beautiful starry sky, a sumptuous sunset, the sea or the view of the mountains.

Because we are able to fight to get what we want.

Because people see us, hear us, smell us, feel us. We are there, among them, with them. And without realizing it, we are all part of the world that is reflected in the brain of each person we meet.

Because our toes, on their own, are mega powerful. Look, just by banging the tiny little one against the corner of your bed, you feel such pain that you scream all the bad words you know. If only your little toe has that much power, imagine all the power you have!

Because we all know how to do things that other people can't do, like putting our tongues in a tube, sticking our legs behind our heads or singing badly like no one else.

Because we are capable of suffering voluntarily when we decide to, as evidenced by waxing or childbirth. And that we are able (also) to spare ourselves these moments if we wish.

Because there is a day when we are all THE queen:our birthday.

Because we are awesome. Really.

Because our body is magical:if it gets hurt, it repairs itself. If we have a cold, he tries to heal himself. Our bodies are damn good anyway!

Because just eating something we love makes us feel really good.

Because we all know rotten jokes that will inevitably make someone laugh on this earth. Even if it's just us (what makes ZZB ZZB ZZB? A backward bee).

Because there are plenty of people who find us beautiful and they are right.

Because if we decide to be deeply happy and work on it, we will be.

Because we know how to laugh, a lot, in an unlimited way.

Because deep down, even if we are sometimes lost, we all know deeply what we want in life, that it is something beautiful and extremely positive:happiness.

Because we have a super sensitive body that reacts to everything:the outside world, our emotions,... What power!

Because we are able to make music with our vocal cords, even if it is to sing Le Temps des Cathédrales.

Because our body knows how to cry (sadness) of joy (happiness), which is super tough!

Because our life is a blank page that we write as we want.

Because we can do a lot of things without anyone knowing (really), like sticking our fingers in our noses, pooping, masturbating, being able to eat a piece of chocolate cake that we had voluntarily thrown in the trash so as not to gain weight or sing songs that have not been on the radio since the 90s′.

Because we have great times with our friends.

Because we are capable of falling in love.

Because we learn a lot of things every day.

Because if we are sick, doctors will be there for us. Because if you want a croissant, the baker will have it. Because if we want the new Biba, it will be on newsstands. It may be said, even with many problems, society is still something super well organized and we bring our stone.

Because deep down, the only people who don't like us, well, we don't like them either. So that's perfect.

Because even if we are very angry sometimes, deep down, we would like all the other people on this earth to be happy, really, and for this world to be more harmonious. Which makes us very noble of heart.

Because we all work (housewives included) and so we all contribute something to our country and to the world.

Because we are able to feel the sexual desire sizzling in our lower abdomen.

Because we can all be a bit of a mother, by giving birth, by adopting or by being very accomplices of the children of relatives. Or not, if you don't want it.

Because we can choose what we eat and we can eat lots of different things. Like the long, orange stuff called "carrots" and the round, chewy stuff full of sugar and oil called "doughnuts".

Because we are able to have mega powerful orgasms next to which fireworks are nothing.

Because even though terrible things are happening in our world, there are still more positive things to see and feel, such as love, creation, friendship, medicine, building societies and of cultures. We are part of it, bringing all our touch of paintings to this beautiful canvas.

Because just going to the bathroom when we really want to gives us a lot of pleasure.

Because we have mega-powerful taste buds that are able to go into ecstasies of happiness on contact with chocolate, caramel or Roquefort.

Because if we take a little time, we will all find 100 reasons to love each other even more.

Simply because we are us. Alive, on this earth, and ready to eat it all and give back to the world.