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"Love Yourself":the pretty illustrations that make us want to love ourselves (even) more

If we loved each other a little more? That we said nice things to each other (for once) and that we gave each other (to us too) very soft hugs? Here is the message of this cute series of illustrations made by the site I Love Doodle:"Love Yourself".

Narcissistic ? Not at all ! “One must be able to love oneself in order to be able to give love to others. You have to be happy so you can then make people happy,” the site tells us.

It's not true... So it's decided:now, I give myself "AutoLove" breaks by saying nice things to my mirror, to my body (for once, it will do it good!) and above all:I am learning to accept myself and love myself deeply!

So to start, we've got a little trick for you:at 3, we have a big, huge Self-hug and hugging ourselves (not to do the Belly Button Challenge -that's stupid- but just for KIFFER!). Ready? So 1, 2, 3:SELF-HUG!!!