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The 5 latest studies on love that make us scream (and not happy)

1. Women are venal and men superficial

The Study:Stereotypes Die Hard...According to a study by marketing professors Gad Saad and Tripat Gillar of Concordia University in Montreal, women place more importance on wealth potential and value. ambition of a future companion, while men are above all sensitive to the beauty of the body and features. In marketing, this is known as the "framing effect", or the preference for the positive option, explains Gad Saad.

What we answer:We, our "positive option", is to be fulfilled, to have fun or to simply make our relationship last. So, these criteria from another century, who cares.

2. Women with wide hips are more liberated

The study:We knew that marked hips were a marvelous asset of sensuality. What we did not know, however, is that the larger the pelvis the women have, the greater the number of their partners. At least that's what a study by three British psychologists recently published by the National Library of Medicine reveals.

What we answer:This study makes us laugh because we, whatever our morphology, we know how to let go in bed...

3. 58% of Brits not opposed to 'Sexbot'

The study:17% of British respondents would have sex with a robot and 41% would simply think it would be weird, not objecting, reveals a study from Middlesex University, North London .

What we answer:We are waiting for models to come out on the market to answer you...

4. Children, the number one cause of infidelity in men

The study:82% of married men who have cheated on their wives have done so after having children, according to Victoria Milan, a platform specializing in dating between married people and couples. For 30% of respondents, the problem comes from sex after childbirth, less passionate than before; 23% regret being too often interrupted by children when they are in bed with their spouse, while 18% regret that their spouse's attention is now directed towards the child and no longer towards them.

What we answer:We forget this study and we continue to trust in the intelligent understanding and in the love of our man while we boost our libido!

5. Sex makes you less addicted than your smartphone

The study:If 26% of respondents say they are unable to live without a smartphone, only 20% consider life impossible without sex, according to the Harris Interactive Institute, which looked into the subject through a survey carried out in the United States.

What we answer:That's because they haven't yet let loose in bed and haven't dared to venture into more acrobatic positions...

And you, what do you think?