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The Study That Makes Us Angry:Successful Women Scare Men

Many women have already experienced this. We meet a man, we chat, we laugh,…. In short:everything is going very well and he seems very interested until he realizes… that we have a brain! Worse:that we have a good job and ambition. Han! It's too much for him. He stiffens then…no more news, bye bye. Uuuhh, "Houston, we have a problem!" »

This phenomenon of the "scary smart woman" is currently the subject of a study published in the journal "Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin", which shows us -unfortunately- that yes, smart is sexy, but when it comes to getting down to business, that puts some people off.

To reach this conclusion, researchers from the University of Buffalo (Texas) and the Lutheran University of California interviewed 105 men. There, they gave them the following scenario:they meet two women, one who is better at math and English than them, and another who is less savvy on the subject. Almost unanimously, these gentlemen chose the most successful woman. Except, lo and behold, when the researchers had them meet women with higher IQs than themselves, they noticed that a lot of those men seemed a lot less interested, suddenly had "less desire and craving for sex." 'exchange with them'.

"After studying their behavior, it became very clear to us that these men very quickly felt threatened by these women and that they were afraid of losing their virility", notes the author of the study Lora Park. A simple lack of self-confidence? Seriously, let's get moving guys, it's 2015!