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Men fall in love more often than women

Contrary to the stereotypes of guys with hearts of stone and chicks with hearts of marshmallow, yes, men fall in love more often than women! Speaking of "melting heart", Häagen-Dazs is behind this study, conducted by the London School of Life .

After surveying 2,000 people in Britain, they found that 51% of men fall in love with more than one woman during their lifetime, compared to just 45% of women. Only 39% of men have loved only one woman…

Love at first sight or desire?

“Men often confuse love with lust. When they talk about love at first sight, it's actually love at first sight,” explains Dr. Drew Pinksy. An explanation that goes in the direction of a study by the dating site, dating from 2011:44% of women would have experienced love at first sight...compared to 54% of men!

Moreover, notes the scientist, women take longer than men to move on to a new partner:“Women are the ones who bear children. Consequence:as they are more "biologically" invested, they are also more "lovingly" invested", he develops. Yeah, but that doesn't mean Raoul has to play Don Juan! The theory of evolution exists as much as our "biological investment"!