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Women are meaner to each other than men to each other

Testosterone:Our guys are full of it. Do they behave nice and macho and manly? Sometimes you get mad about it. But I think that testosterone also does some good. Men can be so wonderfully relaxed. Something that women can take among themselves as an example. Women are much tougher. For herself, but also for other women. Women can sometimes be the bitch among themselves. We are great at making things difficult for each other. But why?

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Women can use some testosterone among themselves

Testosterone is a true male hormone. Yet women make it just as well. Just a little less. It provides self-confidence and competitiveness. But we also regularly see that competitive urge in women. Sometimes women seem to make a real competition out of everything. Who is the prettiest, smartest, and has the nicest children?

Every now and then I suspect myself of an extra portion of testosterone in my body. When I witness women's stuff again. Do you recognize that too? That you think:man, don't be so difficult for a while! Not that I'm that innocent. I also show my typically feminine side from time to time. But it is not meaningful, and certainly not atmosphere-enhancing, those women's pranks. Not for yourself and not for others.

Women are hard on each other

The female sex should be the softer sex. Loving, caring and warm. Yet sometimes we act more like a bunch of feuding cats in a true catfight † Yes, we are also sweet and caring and warm. But this is not always visible among women.

Sometimes I can be quite jealous of my love. They are wonderfully relaxed, those guys. Does one cancel at the last minute? No problem. Is there ever a fight? They make it up together over a beer. Let's forget about it. Things are often very different in the women's arena. Just to list a few women's pranks.

Women's tricks

We are then known as the warm sex… But women are hard as stone. Certainly for each other. And even for the women we call our girlfriends. Why, sisters? 😉 Oh oh we make it difficult for each other. And often ourselves as well. Just look at the women's pranks below. Do you recognize them? And be honest:have you ever been guilty of it?

1. Eternal Competition

The labor market has nothing to do with it. In the world of women, there is a kind of eternal competition. An always ongoing competition. If we have a girlfriends night, we spend another hour in front of the mirror. Because everyone has to look as good as possible.

We know how to make a competition out of clothes, smartphones, jobs, cars and even our children. Apparently the average woman does not need testosterone for that. Just bury those high heels in the sand and compete for first place. And where does that lead to? cosiness? Well no; rather to a lot of jealousy.

2. Jealousy

Women are often jealous. Something that probably stems from their own insecurity. Insecurity between women leads to envy. Although we say we give each other everything, jealousy is a regular occurrence in the Realm of Women. Anne previously wrote a blog about envy among women. Are you familiar with that? In others, or perhaps also in yourself?

Perhaps we should at least compare ourselves a little less with others. You are you. And that's enough isn't it? Why should you feel like you have to outdo your girlfriends? Or anyone?

3. Gossip

The arrival of the smartphone has probably added some fuel to the fire. Because now it's really easy to do a gossip session behind each other's backs. Women are often not averse to a portion of gossip. We are incredibly hurt when we find out it's about us, but we gossip a lot ourselves.

Has your husband ever come home with, “Honey, what I just heard! So you may not tell this to anyone else, but so-and-so has…”. So no. What happens on guys night…. Women can learn a lot from each other. As soon as we realize that something is secret, our tongue starts to itch. Who can we share this with?

Unfortunately, we seem to be just as casual about our own BFFs as we are about random strangers. Another part of that eternal competition between women. Perhaps what men do is much more convenient:just shrug.

4. Out of sight, out of mind

Every group of friends knows a friend who regularly drops out. Or someone who has moved far away from home. Also something that women can make a point of among themselves. An unwritten rule in the women's world seems to be 'out of sight, out of mind'. “Is she not there again? Then she won't want to! Is she actually still a friend of ours?” Make no mistake:your absence could unleash a true third world war.

When my guy is going to do something with his friends, one of them regularly doesn't show up. Even, don't be alarmed, without letting us know. Unthinkable at a women's evening! If you want to get rid of your best friend status in one fell swoop, you should do those kinds of things. You have to be careful, because if you make a mistake, it may very well be forgiven, but never forgotten.

5. Forgive (maybe), but never forget

Women have a primal memory. Especially when it comes to mistakes made by others. We can unerringly recall what our man did wrong last year. Yes, me too. But women can also look at each other that way. Forgiveness is (perhaps) just fine, but certainly not forgetting. Missed a birthday party? Is noted. Didn't respond to an app? That too will be remembered. All in all, we can therefore conclude that the world of women is sometimes like a jungle. Only the strongest survive.