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Men lie more often than women (and that's how you recognize his lies!)

Another investigation. Of course we already had an inkling… Men lie more often than women, that can't be otherwise, can it? But now it has really been investigated. And yes, science confirms our suspicion. The British Science Museum found that men tell about 1092 lies a year. A quick count… that's about 3 lies a day! Bad Boys.

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Men lie more often, the top 10 lies

I'm thinking now that as we women are reading this, it's probably going to rattle right into the majority of women's heads. And you can, because we women can multi-task. Mine? No, not that one! Or is it? To make it easier to recognize for the next time, here are the top 10 lies that men tell to women. So prick up your ears the next time you hear one, and cross-examine your partner!

What do men lie about more often?

Note, you can usually recognize a lie from a man. Especially because they have their favorite subjects to be honest. But what are the gentlemen's favorite lies? Hold on tight, they follow below! Men are more likely to lie about these things:

1. I only have a few on

According to research by the British Science Museum, this is the most popular lie men tell women. Women also use this lie, just not as often. My guy once managed to spend 4.5 hours on one beer! At least, he thought I believed that.

2. There is nothing wrong, everything is fine

It's not just women who lie about their feelings. Men also have a knack for twisting the truth! When you ask him if there is something wrong, he casually says:“There is nothing wrong, everything is fine.” Men lie about their feelings more often than women.

3. My mobile was out of range

This lie will sound all too familiar to women. According to the menfolk, there is something strange going on with the range of their cellphones at the strangest times. Internet drops out, or sir has forgotten to charge the device again. We'll keep that in ladies.

4. It wasn't that expensive

Everyone knows that women love to shop. Have you ever wondered if that new dress had been hanging in your closet for years? The good thing is:the average man will fall for that. But now it turns out that men are not averse to it either. They can hardly hide from us whether something is new. Because who does the laundry at your house? But the price tag does turn out to be a topic where men lie. Does your treasure also come with 'everything from the sale'?

5. I'm coming

Is he really on his way already? According to the research, you can assume that he is lying that he sees black. No wonder women are constantly wondering what those guys are up to! I always double my hubby's expected travel time. Can I easily do laundry.

6. I'm in a traffic jam

Although anyone on the internet can find out in three seconds whether he is indeed in a traffic jam, the average man still often uses this excuse. Unfortunately, the average woman has FBI-esque skills that allow this best man's lie to be intercepted just like that. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

7. No, the garment does not make you fat

Men lie more often, even when it comes to confrontational questions. Men like to avoid a discussion with their wives. Have you bought the perfect shorts for a holiday, but before it disappears in the suitcase, first ask your friend if the shorts don't make you fat. You bet he'll say no. All the time. Which is a shame, because sometimes you're just looking for an honest opinion. Missed opportunity men, then go out with an elephant.

8. Sorry, I probably missed your call

When your sweetheart doesn't answer his phone, he can of course be busy with something else at that time. However, the investigation has shown that he may have simply ignored your call. The lie "Sorry, I probably missed your call" is therefore in eighth place as reasons why men lie more often.

9. You have lost weight

Compliments are of course always welcome, but not when they are outright lies! No, I'm not at my best when I'm just out of bed with my sleepy head. When the only makeup I'm wearing is the last bits of yesterday and my hairdo seems to explode. But thanks anyway, dear.

10. This is what I've always wanted

Both men and women are guilty of this lie. Obviously, neither group wants to make the other unhappy by telling the truth about, say, an ugly birthday present. Men lie more often, but not necessarily on this subject. But you don't want to hurt the generous giver, do you?

And just to let you know what I think:'Mine? No, not that one!'

Addition of a loyal reader:

11. If a man is lying, it means that his wife is too tired to listen.

Do you have something to add yourself?