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Fuckboy:what is it and how to recognize it?

The "fuckoby or "fuckboii" is (unfortunately) not a specimen rare or even an endangered species . However, we would like. But he is definitely there. He slips into your DMs like nothing happened. A little hello to Christmas. He was a bit dead until the Covid-19 pandemic . In March 2020, he sees in the pandemic the opportunity to rise from his ashes. Even stronger. Even more subtly . And more simply. Our emotional distress being at its peak. And if we tend to brandish this expression as soon as a guy shows his detachment after having us in his bed, we do not necessarily know all the ins and outs. And it's a safe bet that the majority of us have dealt with a fuckboy . Attention, if this expression includes men, it results more from a way of behaving applicable to all sexes, than from a predisposition linked to the sex of the person who practices this behavior. Yes, it is not necessarily appreciable to impute a relational behavior to a sex . For practical reasons, we will still talk about "he" to try to explain the phenomenon of the fuckboy. And because the patriarchy wants it.

What is a fuckboy?

For a moment, the fuckboy was rather named for his appearance . Kanye West was a fan of this style of dress at the time. The idea? Layer clothes with different lengths. XXL sweater and slim jeans, for example. Today, when we tackle the term "fuckboy » we are attacking a behaviour vulgar displayed by selfish people, most often disappointed by relationships past. The fuckboy loved very much. And got dumped in the worst way. Since then, he doesn't like it. Do not Cry. Do not answer. It is he who decides. He never calls you, except when he is in love with a mad desire to fornicate . So expect him to text you at 1 a.m., asking what you are up to. Sleep, possibly? And yet, his way of appearing out of nowhere seems to animate you with an uncontrollable passion for him. You clearly want to see it again. Even if it's crystal clear:he doesn't care about you .

Where the fuckboy is "strong" is that it leaves you feeling like you are capable of being the ONE who will make it change . The one that will make him fall in love and change his way of perceiving romantic or even social relationships. . Because the fuckboy is not only allergic to romantic relationships. He is allergic to romantic relationships and intolerant to social relationships. On Instagram , he's busy liking pictures of women and to post snaps of him in any situation that makes him feel alive. However, we know full well that this is a big myth. But we look at it all the same with our mouths in front of a Bentley which is not even his and in front of his crappy pout, the raised eyebrow, a sign of virility, according to him. But really, according to him. Intimacy ? He runs away from her. Change the music from your phone? An unattainable dream. Briefly, a fuckboy will never let anyone into his private life. . No, at this precise moment, the bed is not considered his privacy. In fact, the fuckboy , has to live with his own frustrations. He masturbates emotionally. Hold. Rather than wondering if he is able to face his demons by giving himself up to the person who shares his bed, wondering if he would be able to create something, he prefers to masturbate and tell himself that he will think about it later. Later never comes. He will never tell himself that the problem comes from him and his deep wounds. You will therefore pay the costs.

How do you protect yourself from a fuckboy?

The fuckboy leaves little room for doubt . You can see it coming from miles . His arrogant and sympathetic behavior at the same time, his messages late and his unavailability to make you have a good time other than by riding you (sorry for the term) are clear signals. If you can't figure it out, it's most likely that you're in the dark. And, sorry to tell you, if you chain yourself to a "relationship » with a fuckboy it is most certainly that you do not love each other not yourself. Or very little. Because your life journey made you believe that it was urgent to demean your standards. You prefer to tolerate a relationship in which you are not respected rather than having none.

So to avoid falling under the spell of a person with fuckboy behavior , we re-evaluate . You deserve better than a 2 a.m. call. Your self-esteem matters much more than how little self-esteem a person who doesn't like themselves can give you. Because let's face it, a fuckboy don't love each other. He simply persuades himself to love himself. By accepting that he penetrates in your life, in your head, you are not doing him a service . Ask yourself the right questions ? Do you want a serious relationship? If so, don't let anyone like that get the better of you and dictate your life choices. Learn to enjoy your own company. It's a bit of a mess, but the expression "better to be alone than in bad company" never made so much sense.

A relationship with this type of person is doomed to fail . He promises you nothing. And it's his weapon of massive defense when you have the courage to admit to him that you would like to move on with him:“it was always clear that you and I were fuck buddies , I didn't promise you anything » . So, no. You didn't sign anything to be his "fuck mate". And love relationships are not contracts . A bad relationship can lead to a wonderful relationship. Feelings are bound to evolve. Not for them. So block it. Do not answer his calls. And even if sometimes the temptation is great, you will see that you will have fewer knots to the belly by expelling it from your life for good.