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15 questions to ask yourself to know if you have found your soul mate

In an article for the British newspaper Daily Mail , the American psychologist Dr. Carmen Harra reveals the 15 questions to ask and to ask oneself in order to know if the person whom we consider as our other half is our soul mate. She explains, rightly, that one should look for a trustworthy partner. who values ​​honesty and integrity; essential values ​​to build a long-lasting romantic relationship. Although this person will not be perfect, hopefully for you, it is a human being and not a robot or a fictional character; a person does not need to be perfect to be our soul mate . After all, are we perfect?

How do I know if this person is my soulmate?

When you meet your soul mate , we are supposed to realize it as life seems sweet and beautiful to us. Everything seems simple to us and we are just one with the other. But even if we would have a soul mate, or even several throughout our life, how can we know if it can last and if this person is "the right one »? Take the 15-question quiz to find out!