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Here are 7 tips for getting over someone according to a breakup coach

This person has been haunting for months your thoughts. May it arise in your dreams without warning. This person, you liked and you still love it. But you know, you have to turn the page. There are several reasons for wanting to turn the page. An impossible relationship . You love each other but your values ​​separate you. You love each other but she wants to travel. You like him but this person sees you as a friend . You love him or her but he or she doesn't respect you. In short, so many reasons that lead you to want to detach yourself and move on for good, without falling back into its nets when he shows up again.

To forget a person, you have to want to

We don't tell you it's easy . Far from there. When you have a person under your skin, it is very difficult to put in place mechanisms of defense which consist in repelling . We love her, so how do we push her away? With his head and not his heart. There are situations in which we would be tempted to tell you but no, hang in there for this relationship . There, it's no. Most of the time, deep down, you know very well that this relationship is doomed to failure . Because the person for whom your heart bat has explicitly told you so or because you're racking your brains more than you're enjoying the relationship . We agree, no relationship is similar. There are no rules for establishing a love relationship . And every beginning of relationship is unique. If you want to fight, do it. On the other hand, if you want to do everything to find someone who suits you best and forget about this person, you have come to the right place.

Time does its work

Natalia Juarez, breakup coach and expert in dating advises first of all to distance yourself from the person in question. Do your best to keep your thoughts occupied so that you don't think about your urge to text her. Rather than convincing yourself that everything is fine, accept your negative emotions . It's completely normal to feel hurt, sad or angry.“If you're disappointed, let the person know. You can say, 'I'm really disappointed to hear that, I might need a few weeks to recover, but I know I'll be fine soon.'", explains Natalia Juarez. Obviously, if this person is not receptive to this communication, do not lose sight of the importance of being well surrounded in order to speak to them with an open heart. Do not hesitate to ask them to be there for you.

As surprising as it may seem, the breakup coach advises writing the list of qualities that you liked about this person. This will allow you to take stock of what you expect from your next partner . Along the same lines, also write a list of his flaws. This will be a good way to stop idealizing him. and to realize that this person was not so perfect. Obviously, this phase of your life is the best time for you to focus on yourself. Make projects, learn to dance, get back to sport . In short, activities that will make you proud you and that will take your attention away from your grief . Finally, it is important to get back in the saddle by letting yourself go to new encounters.

Remember that the problem was not you . Bad timing, bad person or just another destiny. In any case, it's never up to you to question yourself when someone doesn't want you anymore. Finally, trust at the time. "As time goes, everything goes".