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Breakup:9 tips for getting over it and moving on

You didn't see it coming, or on the contrary, the breakup was inevitable . Whatever the context of your separation , it is never easy to accept it. And the length of your relationship doesn't change that, either. Whether it's been six years or six months since you were together, the pain can be similar . Everyone lives their emotions in your own way and moreover, one of the keys is above all not to repress your emotions . It's like that. Between him and you, it's over. Your memories will be engraved in you and even if for the moment the images of you two which pass in loop in your head hurt you they will soon be only simple good moments . You certainly feel paralyzed. Paralyzed by this brutal decision , by this decision that you made together because you had reached a point of no return. And even if you know that there was nothing more to do, a part of you would have preferred to remain blind and continue. For fear of being alone, for fear of breaking an installed routine and for fear of leaving his life, forever. This is the reality of the breakup. The impression that years of investment go smoke in a minute of discussion. If the break is a very difficult moment to pass, it is also a momentof introspection to live to the full. Indeed, it allows us to question ourselves, to reconsider our standards, our expectations and our limits.

Breakup, a key moment in our lives

What was acceptable an hour ago will certainly not be so in a week. Because you will be able to work on yourself , during what can be called mourning. Integrate the notion of rupture is paramount at the moment you live it. What it induces, what it generates as a feeling in you and how it is possible to live it at best and to apprehend your life post separation . Breaking up is an opportunity to reconnect with yourself. To focus on projects put on hold, to take care of yourbody and your mind , without putting the well-being of your companion before your own. And if some people are going to give you advice on how to get back "as quickly" , it is not so. The truth is, if you have to spend two years of your life to recover from this breakup, then it will be so. Accept your suffering looks like the first and best way forward. Silencing, minimizing or denying this bitter feeling which is in you and which belongs to you, will make only more difficult the next relationship that you will start. Breaking up can, contrary to popular belief, be excruciatingly beneficial . And become a good time. We explain how to best live it.

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