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Love:9 reasons to never rummage through your darling's phone again

You swore never to do it. You swore to yourself never to fall that low. Because, for you, the couples who do, “deeply lack confidence ". But there it is, the temptation was too big. He was there, so close to you. His phone . You heard it vibrate. Again and again. His code ? Easy, it's your birthday. How cute. Your small voice who tells you that you cannot, decently, do that, is silent, little by little. The day before, he hadn't told you that you were as pretty as the ray of sunshine that crossed your face. So when he got up, in his simplest guise to go take a shower, you didn't hesitate. At last. You looked at his phone, placed like this, at an angle, on the bedside table . You had never been so wary of a block of metal. You don't take your eyes off him. And in a moment of impulsiveness, you caught it, as you would have caught the last 36 from your shoe store preferred.

A practice will hurt you both!

You started slowly. In his photos , RAS. In his calls, everything seems to be normal. And then you kindly head to the messages icon . Estelle,ok, it's his cousin. Sarah, it's okay, it's her sister. Phew, you are reassured. All of his other chats are with his soccer partners and best buddies. Or with his mother. Or you. You put the phone down. It vibrates again. With a quick glance, you see an Instagram notification . And then you say to yourself, "I forgot Insta" . You scroll through his discussions and there, the drama. You see chats with strangers. He responds with “flames” to his story, hearts in the eyes » to another. You see red. However, their exchanges are almost non-existent. He just reacts to pictures. In short, you feel like you have "discovered" something. So that surely means nothing. And this will certainly end in an unpleasant discussion . For you, as for him. Don't get caught there!

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