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This is how you ensure that your child never loses his phone

Children these days are getting younger and younger when they get a cell phone. Most experts recommend that parents provide their child with a cell phone when they are 11 or 12 years old. In practice, more and more children from the age of 8 already get their first telephone. That in itself is not a problem, but it does entail some risks. We all know that young children can be quite messy and are not always careful with their belongings. How do you make sure they don't lose their phone?

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The-benefit of a mobile-phone for children

Every family has different rules. Some parents limit their children's screen time as much as possible and do not want their child to have a cell phone before he or she starts high school. Other parents don't mind if their child uses a mobile every now and then. But what if they lost their phone? Whatever your views on a cell phone for kids, there's no denying that a kid phone has its pros and cons.

Children today already use screens a lot. They work on tablets at school, play games when they get home and prefer to watch as much television as possible. It is up to us as parents to limit this screen time. However, a cell phone only adds more screen time. In addition, it is difficult to control usage and social interactions when the child has their own telephone.

However, a mobile phone for children also has many advantages. It's nice to know that your son or daughter is always easily accessible is. When there is a sleepover, he or she can always contact us to let you know how it goes. And it's very easy to check how things are going or send a reminder when the child has a cell phone in his pocket. In addition, there are numerous educational and useful apps for children. Platforms such as Squla, Chessity and Math King give children the opportunity to learn a lot in a playful way † And of course children also really enjoy being able to take their own photos and listen to their own music whenever they feel like it.

This way your child will never lose his phone

So it certainly has advantages if your child has a mobile phone in his pocket. But how do you make sure he or she doesn't lose the phone? A phone is not cheap and the information and photos on the mobile are often even more valuable.

Phone case with cord

A good phone case with cord is a godsend for children! They can carry the phone around their neck, or as a shoulder bag, which greatly reduces the chance that the phone will get stuck somewhere.

Phone case on a key ring so that the phone don't lose touches

Many children carry their mobile phone with them in their pocket. That's handy, but the chance that the phone will fall out is quite high. By using a phone case on a key ring, you minimize this risk. You can easily attach this hanger to the belt or loop. This way the phone can never get lost or break on the floor.

Install a tracker

You can easily install a tracker, or attach a tool, to a mobile phone. This allows you to find the phone wherever it is. In addition, there are numerous useful apps, such as a Mobile Protect App, that allow you to remotely erase the information on a phone or lock a phone. Also useful if the phone is stolen.