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Birthday in December? This is how you keep your child's birthday fun!

December is a busy month. Have you just chased Sinterklaas to Spain, Santa Claus is knocking again and in between there is also family clamoring for some attention. And then you also have a child's birthday in December. In all that festivity, how can you still organize a nice birthday for your December child?

My youngest turned 4 last Sunday. A memorable age, both for him and for us (because woohoo, he can go to school!) And extra fun because it fell exactly on a Sunday. But it still remains a thing, such a December birthday. Not only is he overloaded with gifts (Sinterklaas at home, at school, at grandpa and grandma's, and then his birthday), it is also not much in terms of visitors. Many people have already fully planned December. How do you celebrate a nice birthday if your child's birthday is in December?

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Child's birthday in December? 5 tips to plan a nice birthday after all

We have of course been dealing with this for a number of years and I have listed some tips for you. Is your child's birthday in December too? Take advantage of it!

Exchange birthday…

The easiest way is of course to swap the birthday with mom or dad and just not celebrate it in December. Because the weekends in December are often quickly filled with family visits and then there is actually no time left for a children's birthday. A bit sad when no one comes.

That exchange might be an option next year. We give a small present on the days themselves and he can choose what he wants to eat, and we do the big party or children's party in June. Another advantage:most likely he can go outside with his party.

Tip:One of our readers indicates that they simply celebrate her daughter's birthday together in December. So they deliberately keep it small. In the summer, however, they celebrate the 'half-birthday'. A party in the garden for family and friends. Her daughter thinks it's fantastic to party twice a year. The presents are so nicely distributed and all visitors can go into the garden 😉 .

…Or schedule on time

You often get the first conversations about Christmas planning in September or October. Where are we going to eat? How are we going to divide everything? When do we go to whom? It's a very good idea to throw the birthday into the mix even then. Do don't like me:I always forget. Until early December. And then it is really too late to plan a nice party with many people. So send your invitations early in October.

Then you are left with those loads of presents. How do you manage that and how do you ensure that your child does not become a spoiled brat during this month?

Use themed gifts

In recent years we gave themed gifts. Or gifts that we could expand. For example, we had some different parts of a wooden train that he collected during the Sinterklaas parties and his birthday, which he could then turn into a nice job. Or we gave one theme for Sinterklaas (building) and another theme for his birthday (cars).

Gift cards

The fact remained, however, that quite a mountain of gifts were shoved his way. He doesn't know what to play with anymore. In addition, he no longer knows who gave it to half of them. It all just got a little too much. That is why in recent years we have also requested gift vouchers from the birthday party. A small present to unwrap and the rest would come in the spring. For example, with the vouchers together we were able to buy a nice bicycle in May that would be useful all summer. Or some toys for the sandbox.

Tip:Ask for gift vouchers from the same store, such as, so that you can also put them together to spend.

Gift Spread

How about giving presents? For example, give a present now and then instead of all in one day. This way your child's birthday is all month long. Or make it a nice treasure hunt. Hide the presents and put a note with each present with the location of the next present. If your children are a bit younger, you can also work with icons.

Also nice sides to a December birthday

On the other hand, there is of course also something, such a birthday in December. Your whole house, what's called, the whole area is beautifully decorated. Especially for your December child, of course. You can also use that to make your child's party extra fun. And after the Christmas holidays you go into the new year fresh and fruity, with a new age too. Can't say much!

And did your child not receive the present he or she really wanted on his or her birthday? Then Sinterklaas and Christmas are there to ask again. Or vice versa:If Sinterklaas makes a mistake, your parents can rectify that 😉 .