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So, this de-confinement?

Sorry ? How does "yippee school's out e " ? My dear children, you weren't already on vacation since mid-March?

Oh it's ok, we can still laugh a little (even if we don't see it too much behind the mask).
Finally, going to bed late, getting up late, going out every afternoon to hang out in the park or window shopping, going to sleep with friends, inviting them over… what is it called? Yes, there was 1 private lesson per day for my POOR (I hope you pity her) 3rd… but she goes to SECOND!! It is fabulous.

Joking aside... I don't know about you but I have a lot more trouble with deconfinement than with confinement. Citizen and serious therefore masked out of respect for others, I go out without worry and clearly without fear of the virus (sorry):I took public transport again and I found my favorite restaurants with so much pleasure. Which I fully support. Team glass cafe on the terrace.
But now, I'm having trouble situating myself in fact, "it's weird" would say a 5-year-old kid (current brain age). This end of the school year which never ends while clearly over for 3 months... The vacations so dreamed of and reserved... canceled (bye bye Madagascar), the hassle to find a rental in France to stop and still be able to finally getting out of Paris… I confess:I only dream of one thing:going alone to a hotel and being served/massaged/pampered. Yeah a thalasso would be perfect! Thank you.

While waiting for better days, the in-between in which we currently live is therefore ultimately less psychologically comfortable than confinement. At least we knew there was nothing we could do. There, it is yes… but no. Yes, but by queuing for 15 minutes for a baguette. Yes but with a mask. Yes, but in a half-group... and that was without counting the children's colleges who have a totally different management of the recovery... result of the accounts:the 3rd went back there only to return her books! The 4th resumed face-to-face for two days in June, just to end the year with something more "traditional" and to say goodbye.

My impression of being unstable these last few days is also clearly due to the fact that in mid-May, I decided to leave my communication agency, the one I had co-founded (by creating and directing the influence pole)… I announced it quickly on instagram but for the moment, I don't want to go into details, it's still too fresh. In any case, the decision was finally imposed after long difficult months. It is in no way related to COVID. I even somehow held on a little longer to get through this strange period.
I am therefore relaunching my freelance activity. I stay in the same profession (influencer marketing), the same sector (family), even if my chakras are open! I am sending you my LinkedIn profile because my website is under construction. I am happy with this decision because in line with my values:I therefore finally deconfined and re-confined at home for the moment. I will find a small office at the start of the school year to partition my professional life from my personal life. In the meantime, I'm rebuilding myself, I'm networking, I'm even starting to work on several exciting and ultra-motivating tracks thanks to trusted people who will recognize themselves and whom I thank here. Hoping to be able to say more soon… here are my new colors:

So, this de-confinement?

So, I juggle more than ever, I work and I see my two teenagers pass by... I buy a lot of train tickets to take them from right to left all summer and try to make them relive a life OUTSIDE their room, even if my soon to be 13 year old feels very good in it! It looks like he is entering the wonderful world of adolescence in turn… I feel more armed this time, I have 4 years of experience already AH AH AH

Ah and I plant stuff in dirt on my love balcony too.

So, this de-confinement?

As a good slasher, I also have another idea to keep myself busy (and yet I still procrastinate so much… it's desperate guys actually)… there too I prefer to keep it a little longer in the pit of my brain , even if I was able to share with some of you the main lines. It would be a new angle, a new site no doubt and maybe even another medium… but it seems consistent with my story as a historical mom blogger. It is already resonating with some of you. It is a logical continuity... I really want to try it, it's a passion, not remunerative, like this blog... but when I see what has been able to bring to me and my loved ones for more than 12 years… I have to try this new adventure! I promise, I will tell you more quickly and I will certainly need you.

Phew, congratulations if you have read everything. I hope you are well on your side. Strength and courage to all parents for the end of this "extraordinary" school year and see you soon!