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How to recognize a thunderbolt?

Love at first sight is a big stress on your body

First, it's your heart that, racing, sets the tone. Sweaty hands, hot flushes, excessive sweating and that intense burn… no, these are not the symptoms of a heart attack! It was Cupid who shot his mythical arrow. Lightning strikes and you are completely bewitched. Your legs, soft as marshmallow, are now struggling to carry you. In short, your crush makes you lose all your means. You only hope for one thing:that this love at first sight will be mutual.

Love at first sight makes you feel like you've known each other forever

Love at first sight makes you feel like that other one is oddly familiar. It thus sends you back to a much older experience:that of your own birth! How? 'Or' What ? From the moment it is born, a baby is physically connected to its mother. His smell, his face and his voice give him pleasure, even if he is not yet aware of his own existence. All our life, we are therefore in search of this intense sensory experience. Clearly, your crush reminds you of your mother, even if this whole process is unconscious. Phew, we are reassured...

Love at first sight suddenly makes you believe in a “soul mate”

Love at first sight is a concentrate of unpredictable happiness. It's as if your life is on stand-by, waiting for that half of you. You have only known him for a few moments, but an invisible bond has always united you. These nunucheries are not at all your type, you who are usually so rational... And yet! It was love at first sight that struck and there is no turning back!

The thunderbolt makes you toast the stages of a meeting

It's hard to keep your feet on the ground when love at first sight is obvious. If you listened to yourself, you would already whisper a fiery "I love you" in the hollow of the ear. Don't worry, it's only mad love that has set a trap for you! Anyway, the explanations give you great legs!

Love at first sight borders on obsession

The thunderbolt struck and seems to have fried a few neurons in passing. Distracted? It's your middle name! Addicted too… “when will he call me? », « is it too early to send him a text? “You check every two seconds if you still have battery, if the phone is not in silent mode… have you transplanted a smartphone so as not to miss his call? And why not ? Your thoughts are monopolized by your crush, you even leave a few hours of sleep there. This story is obsessive. But it's so good! And then what is love at first sight, if not a sweet obsession?