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Love at first sight:what to do if you/he is in a relationship?

Love at first sight:give in to the call of the heart at all costs?

Who said fairy tales weren't for big girls? This love at first sight is the unexpected answer to your wildest dreams. Cinderella has finally found her shoe, and she is real! Since you crossed his path, you have been living a waking dream. Beside her, everything seems more beautiful. You have tried to reason with yourself, but impossible to resist him! Such a devouring passion only happens once in a lifetime, and again! So there is a good chance that you will be unfaithful. A reciprocal love at first sight is so rare that it deserves to be experienced 1000%. What happens later will not change the magic of what you are experiencing right now. For the rest… come what may! Unreasonable? Never mind ! When it comes to love, nothing we do is reasonable anyway!

Love at first sight:listen to the voice of reason?

Are you sure this isn't a "minute" passion that will fade away at the same speed it started? Is he really capable of leaving her for you? Either way, don't fall for love at first sight traps by making decisions on a whim! As we know, this lightning passion does not support false notes. The dream comes to an end, as soon as everyday life, a time forgotten, resumes its rights. So, sacrificing everything you've built on the altar for a passing crush? No thanks!

The parade ? Flee all situations in which you are able to give in. Easier said than done when you are obsessed with the other, you are granted it... Tell yourself that the more devastating the love at first sight, the more ephemeral it is. At least, we hope so! In the meantime, we cry a lot, we focus all our attention on our family, our friends, our work... And we fight to preserve everything we have built with our "love blanket". It may not be crazy passion every day, but with him it's solid!


Love at first sight helps you learn more about yourself

Love at first sight does not always choose willing victims! It can lead to a very beautiful love story, just as it can end suddenly. It's up to you to see if it's still worth living! But whether you listen to the voice of the heart or that of reason, this thunderbolt must above all push you to ask yourself the right questions. Did this sudden passion take advantage of a breach in your relationship to invite itself? Maybe deep down you were waiting for it, or secretly hoping for it? In which case, it is a helping hand of fate. On the other hand, if all is well with your darling, why is it this other one in particular who made you fall in love? If he does not leave his wife, are you ready to play the role of the mistress? So many questions that only you can answer!

One thing is certain, in love no standard holds. There is never a set pattern. We hesitate, we improvise... In short, we do what we can to be happy!