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Couple:12 things to never tolerate in a relationship

Love can make you blind. But there are still some problems and flaws that it is better to quickly detect if you do not want to leave feathers there... First of all, so that a romantic relationship can develop properly, you have to know what you want, what you deserve, but also know how to take a step back. Indeed, at times, we may have the impression that everything is going well, that we are making perfect love, but in reality, we do not perceive the signs . Physical or psychological violence, threats, pressure, reproaches, secrets, manipulation... Some things should not be tolerated in love and can be a warning sign of a toxic relationship. We take stock.

Couple:these behaviors should never be tolerated

Your partner threatens to leave you, whether it's for the mundane details of everyday life "if you don't do the dishes, I'll leave you!" or for much more serious things, like intimate relationships. In the same way, he resorts to manipulation, says innocuous phrases like "you will never find better than me" and he can even reproach you about your physique , judging you "too much" or "not enough"? These little phrases, when they interfere in the intimacy of the couple, can do damage. You can then lose self-confidence , devalue yourself and develop a sense of dependence on your partner which creates a hold. They should not be tolerated and present themselves as real "red flags" to avoid.

If you feel imprisoned in an abusive romantic relationship or if you have doubts or feel unwell, do not hesitate to dial 3919.