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66 Positive and Encouraging Things You Should Say to Your Kids.

66 Positive and Encouraging Things You Should Say to Your Kids.

When you raise your children, you don't necessarily take enough time to congratulate and encourage them.

However, children absolutely need to be pushed so that they can get the best out of themselves.

For this, simple words of encouragement can have an incredible and lasting effect on your children.

And this, even years after you said them.

It is therefore essential to say positive things to them so that they feel good in their sneakers and in their head.

66 Positive and Encouraging Things You Should Say to Your Kids.

These words will stay with them and accompany them to overcome the difficult moments of life.

Whether it's to tell them how good they were during their soccer game or how much you enjoy spending time with them, here are 66 positive things to say to your children every day:

1. I am grateful to have you in my life.

2. I'm proud of you.

3. Your opinion means a lot to me.

4. You have great ideas.

5. I'm lucky to be your mother / your father.

6. You don't have to be perfect for me to love you.

7. What you think is important to me.

8. You are a very important person in my life.

9. Do you know we love you?

10. I know you're telling the truth.

11. I trust you.

12. This family wouldn't be the same without you.

13. You are very precious to me.

14. You can always say no to the questions you are asked.

15. And you can also say yes.

16. I know you are doing your best.

17. That's right, you were right.

18. I totally accept who you are.

19. Yes, we can try to do it your way.

20. Do you know that you help me a lot?

21. You deserve the best.

22. You make me happy.

23. I love your creativity.

24. I love spending time with you.

25. I can't wait for you to tell me.

26. Never be afraid to be yourself.

27. You know you make us happy?

28. I'm very happy to spend time with you.

29. You have a lot of qualities.

30. I love the way you see things.

31. It's really good to be curious.

32. I love the way you tell the stories.

33. What you did was awesome.

34. I admire you very much.

35. That's a good question.

36. Your friends are lucky to have you.

37. I trust you.

38. It was really a very good choice.

39. Seeing you happy makes me happy.

40. Being your mother / your father is my favorite job.

41. Thanks to you, I learn new things every day.

42 . Spending time with you makes me better.

43. Do you know you're a nice boy/nice girl?

44. You are perfect as you are.

45. I'm so happy to be with you.

46. It suits you very well.

47. Don't worry, I understand you.

48. Watching you grow makes me happy.

49. What you did was really brave.

50. I forgive you without problem.

51. I love spending time with you.

52. We all make mistakes.

53. Yes, me too.

54. You're super good at it!

55. You can try again tomorrow.

56. No one is perfect.

57. I love the way you said that.

58. You will never please everyone, and that's completely normal.

59. You did it really well.

60. Take your time, I'm listening.

61. You're right, that's a good argument.

62. You are a beautiful person, both inside and out.

63. I love you.

64. I can never stop loving you.

65 . You are all I need.

66. You fill my heart with happiness.

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66 Positive and Encouraging Things You Should Say to Your Kids.