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Honey and Cinnamon:A Cold Remedy Your Kids Will Love!

Honey and Cinnamon:A Cold Remedy Your Kids Will Love!

Do you know that a simple spoon of honey mixed with cinnamon can overcome a cold in 1 or 2 days?

Just take it 2 times a day for three days to get great results.

My 3 year old son loves this blend. I put it in a small bowl and give it to him with a teaspoon with a glass of water to wash it all down.

For two years, we have been using this natural trick to knock out. colds.

It should be taken as soon as your nose starts to run. And in general, cold symptoms disappear after 5 hours.

We found this remedy in a grandmother's recipe book. We tested it and couldn't believe it worked so well and so quickly!

As a result, no one at home has had a cold for 2 years!

Honey and Cinnamon:A Cold Remedy Your Kids Will Love!


- 1 teaspoon of pure organic honey

- ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon

How to

1. Mix the ingredients together.

2. Swallow a spoonful of this remedy every two to three hours.

3. Take this remedy for three to four days if you continue to feel sick.


There you go, this grandmother's remedy will cure your cold or that of your children in no time :-)

Know that it is important to take this mixture as soon as the first symptoms colds appear.

Personally, I often mix this honey/cinnamon remedy directly into my tea.

And the children, dip pieces of fruit in it.

Warning: I remind you that honey should not be given to a child who is less than 1 year old.

Why does it work?

If you didn't already know, honey and cinnamon are natural antibacterials, antivirals and antifungals.

They will therefore fight your cold by helping your body get rid of the virus.

For us, this remedy has worked 9 times out of 10!

At home, everyone has already used this remedy several times, and everyone was able to realize how effective it is.

Plus, it's reassuring to have a remedy on hand that I can take whenever I start to feel bad.