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mmm too good! The Homemade Oasis Recipe Your Kids Will Love.

mmm too good! The Homemade Oasis Recipe Your Kids Will Love.

Fancy a tall glass of Oasis to refresh yourself?

It's true that it's envy when it's very hot!

But no need to buy a bottle of Oasis at the supermarket!

Did you know that the nutritional rating of Oasis is "E", the worst rating there is?

It's because of all the sugar in this industrial drink, not to mention all the additives...

Fortunately, here is the easy and quick recipe for Homemade Citrus Oasis.

Your kids will love it and you will too! Look, it's quite simple:

mmm too good! The Homemade Oasis Recipe Your Kids Will Love.

  • Ingredients
  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips


- zest of an organic orange

- zest of an organic lemon

- 1 tablespoon of sugar

- spring water

How to

1. Carefully wash the orange and lemon.

2. Put them in a saucepan.

3. Pour a glass of water into it.

4. Add the sugar.

5. Heat over low heat for 5 min.

6. Pour the contents of the saucepan into a one-litre carafe.

7. Fill it with spring water.

8. Put it in the fridge.


There you go, your homemade Oasis is already ready :-)

Simple, quick and economical as a recipe, right?

At the moment, I make it every week for my children and they love it (and me too!).

It's super good and very refreshing, especially when it's hot.

If you don't drink all at once, you can keep your refreshing drink in the fridge.

In addition, you enjoy all the benefits of lemon on your health.

Additional advice

- if you don't use organic fruit, use baking soda to remove as many pesticides as possible as explained here.

- you can add ice cubes to make your drink even cooler.

- if you find that your homemade Oasis is not sweet enough, you can add an extra spoonful of sugar or honey.

- to change the recipe, you can also add organic grapefruit zest.