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Here's Why You Should Give Your Kids LESS Toys.

Here s Why You Should Give Your Kids LESS Toys.

Toys aren't just games.

Toys are nothing less than the cornerstone of our children's future.

Thanks to them, our children understand the world around them...

...and they also get to know each other better.

Toys convey messages and impart values ​​to them.

So better think twice before filling their room with toys !

Here s Why You Should Give Your Kids LESS Toys.

  • 1. Children learn to be more creative
  • 2. Children become more attentive
  • 3. Children become more sociable than others
  • 4. Children learn to take better care of their belongings
  • 5. Children develop a greater interest in reading, writing and art
  • 6. Children become more resourceful
  • 7. Children argue less
  • 8. Children learn to be persistent
  • 9. Children become less selfish
  • 10. Children get more out of nature
  • 11. Kids understand that happiness isn't just found in toy stores
  • 12. Children live in a cleaner and tidier home
  • Conclusion

Some parents pay attention to the number of toys their children have.

While most children's rooms are overflowing with toys, they teach their children to limit their number.

Why ? Because having fewer games is a real benefit for children in the long term.

Here are 12 reasons why you should offer your children fewer toys . Watch:

1. Children learn to be more creative

Having too many games is a hindrance so that children can fully develop their imagination.

Two employees of the public health service conducted an experiment in a kindergarten class in Germany.

They convinced teachers to remove all toys from the classroom for 3 months.

During the first stages of the experiment, boredom predominated among the children.

Then they quickly began to use their environment to invent games and use their imagination.

2. Children become more attentive

When a child has too many toys, their attention span decreases.

A child will rarely learn to fully appreciate a toy they have, if they know there are plenty of others on the shelf behind them.

3. Children become more sociable than others

Children who play less develop interpersonal relationships more easily with other children, but also with adults.

They also learn to hold a conversation more quickly.

And studies have shown that children who have more friends have a better chance of academic and social success as they grow up.

4. Children learn to take better care of their things

When children have too many toys, they are less careful and careful.

If they always have a toy to replace another, they don't learn to appreciate them at their true value.

If your child constantly damages his toys, try removing a few.

He will quickly learn and also understand that they are not infinite...

5. Children develop a greater interest in reading, writing and art

Having fewer toys makes children love books more play music, color and paint.

Yes, it's not just adults who can enjoy the benefits of reading!

Thanks to their interest in artistic subjects, they will better appreciate beauty, emotions and exchanges in everyday life.

6. Children become more resourceful

At school, students don't just find answers to problems.

They must also learn to use the tools to find the right answers to their problems.

In the field of entertainment and gaming, the same principle applies.

If kids have fewer toys, they manage to solve problems only with what they have at hand.

And resourcefulness is a quality with inestimable potential in life.

7. Children argue less

This may sound contradictory, right?

Many parents think that the more toys there are in the house, the fewer arguments there will be.

Because there are more choices to take care of everyone in their corner.

But very often the opposite happens!

Indeed, brothers and sisters very often quarrel over toys.

And every time a new game is introduced into their relationship...

We give them an extra reason to assert their territory over the rest of the siblings.

On the other hand, brothers and sisters who have less are obliged to share, collaborate and work together.

8. Children learn to be persistent

Children who have too many toys at home give up faster than others.

Why ? Because if they have one that they can't understand how it works, they will quickly abandon it in favor of another that is easier to use.

While children with fewer toys learn perseverance, patience and determination.

9. Children become less selfish

Children who have everything they want end up believing that they can indeed have everything they want.

This attitude will lead them to have an unhealthy and unbecoming lifestyle.

10. Children enjoy nature more

Children who don't have a bedroom full of toys are more likely to play outside and enjoy nature at fair value.

They are also more likely to do more physical exercise.

Which results in better health and better morale throughout the year.

11. Children understand that happiness is not only found in toy stores

Joy and fun aren't just found in the aisles of a toy store.

Children who were raised thinking that happiness could only be bought in stores simply believed the same lie as their parents.

Instead, children need encouragement to find alternative hobbies and joy in simple everyday things that really last.

12. Children live in a cleaner and tidier home

If you have children, you know that a house can quickly be invaded by toys...

Fewer toys means having a less cluttered home , cleaner, tidier and therefore more pleasant to live in.


Obviously, I'm not an anti-toy person.

I'm just a person who wishes the happiness of children.

So do them a favor today by limiting the number of games you give them.

But don't tell them that it was me who gave you this idea;-)

And if you don't know what to get your kids, here are 43 gift ideas that aren't toys that your kids will love!